Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence
Predictive Analytics Are Retailers’ Crystal Ball
February 08, 2018

Can predicting the future help retailers and other organizations avoid negative outcomes? It’s not just a thought exercise: By analyzing the past, organizations can shape the future they want to see, starting with creating the best possible user experience. Those who don’t know history are...

Artificial Intelligence
Alexa Becomes Local Night Out Concierge
January 22, 2018

Amazon is gearing up to boost Alexa’s capabilities, with updates reportedly on the way that will enable users to get information about local restaurants and movie listings via voice. According to an unsourced report in CNET, the update will be released in the coming days,...

Artificial Intelligence
Year In AI: Higher Education For Machines
December 28, 2017

Artificial intelligence (AI) was one of 2017’s hottest industry buzzwords as many have begun turning to machines to solve problems that are simply too large for humans to calculate. 2017 has seen AI applied to fraud and security, identity verification, customer service, and many other...

Artificial Intelligence
Google Wants To Help Users Hire The Right Expert
December 01, 2017

When it doubt, Google it: a mantra most modern Americans live by. When things go wrong at home — the dishwasher breaks, the dryer goes on strike or a carpenter is just sorely needed — most consumers’ first step in solving the problem is going...

Artificial Intelligence
Samsung To Create AI Center To Scout New Biz Opportunities
November 23, 2017

Samsung Electronics is gearing up to create an artificial intelligence (AI) research center, designating an executive role to search for new business, according to news from Reuters. Citing a statement by Samsung Electronics, the move would enable the South Korean consumer electronics giant to respond quickly...

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence: FIs’ Friend Or Foe?
November 22, 2017

Artificial intelligence (AI) doesn’t walk and talk like C3P0 of “Star Wars” (many would say: “Thank God”). It doesn’t mask murderous intentions with a calming voice like HAL of “2001: A Space Odyssey.” It’s not the manically depressed, paranoid android Marvin of “Hitchhiker’s Guide to...

Artificial Intelligence
Chinese, Russian Investors Pour $460M Into Chinese Facial Recognition Startup
November 02, 2017

Megvii Face++, the Chinese facial recognition startup, has raised $460 million in venture capital funding, led by the Chinese government. According to news from The Financial Times, the move on the part of the Chinese government to invest in the facial recognition startup comes as China...

Artificial Intelligence
Toyota’s AI Assistant Wants To Be The Consumer’s Car Buddy
October 31, 2017

Toyota drivers are about to gain a new best friend in Yui, an onboard virtual assistant that uses artificial intelligence to do everything from talk to you to give you a back massage when you’re feeling stressed. Yui was unveiled at the CES in Las Vegas...

Artificial Intelligence
AI’s $60B Productivity Boost
October 26, 2017

A new report reveals that the market for AI technologies could potentially generate more than $60 billion worth of productivity improvements per year. The Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) shared a new document that outlines AI policy principles for the tech industry, the government and...