David S. Evans

artificial intelligence
The Demographic Debacle Meets the AI Miracle
September 20, 2023

The world is now witnessing one of the most momentous and consequential changes in centuries. It puts the social importance of artificial intelligence (AI) revolution in a different light. It can take forever to get a doctor’s appointment with a specialist. China is no longer...

artificial intelligence
A Tale of Two GPTs
June 13, 2023

Except perhaps for those who have been completely off the grid for the last year, pretty much everyone has heard about ChatGPT.  That’s the AI application that has convinced the world — including the long-overpromising and underdelivering artificial intelligence profession — that AI really is...

A Pragmatic Guide to the Future of Crypto
February 28, 2022

This paper provides a pragmatic assessment of the future of crypto. As used here, crypto refers to public blockchains that rely on a cryptocurrency and the applications that use these blockchains to provide services to end users. Ether is an example of a public blockchain;...

David S. Evans
Why Apple Pay Is Fizzling and What It Means for the Future of Mobile Payments
December 05, 2014

“When he rolls into a gas station to fill his tank, [Jack] doesn’t get out of his car. He punches a few buttons on his cellphone and within seconds he has paid for the fuel. With the same quick keystrokes on his phone, he pays...

Apple Pay’s Most Unusual Ignition Strategy
October 31, 2014

What a week for Apple Pay! CurrentC strong arms its merchants to switch off NFC so their customers can’t tap their spanking new iPhone 6s to pay—or for that matter anything else that uses NFC. Apple Pay gets even more publicity. Tim Cook then whacks...

Bitcoin’s Rollercoaster Ride to Nowhere
October 07, 2014

The Bitcoin exchange rate gets a lot of attention. Look at all the stories today over the fact that the exchange rate dipped below $300 on October 5, 2014 for the first time in 11 months, reaching $288.82 and down $869.51 from its all time...

David S. Evans
Apple Pay, Now That We’ve Sobered Up
September 25, 2014

Just about everyone seemed absolutely giddy over Tim Cook’s breathless announcement of how Apple is revolutionizing payments. I’m hoping now that maybe, with a couple of weeks’ of distance and with at least some of you experiencing the buggy iOS8 operating system, I can make...

Digital Currency Deep Dive: Is Bitcoin Cheaper and More Efficient than Traditional Payments?
June 20, 2014

Remember the day when a coin was just a bothersome piece of metal that you were happy to toss in the tip jar to benefit the underpaid baristas at your local coffee shop? Well no more. Now a coin might be worth more than many...

Alternative Finances
The Great Bitcoin Debate In Six Points
May 30, 2014

Last Friday PYMNTS ran a short article by me that made the pretty simple and accurate point that Overstock.com receives dollars when people use their Coinbase wallet to send bitcoins. Little did I know the firestorm I would start. Patrick Byrne, Overstock’s CEO, was not...