Startup Check-In

Startup Check-In
Freelancer Payment Satisfaction Drives Loyalty
March 14, 2018

Three quarters of freelancers said they would leave their current marketplace due to payment dissatisfaction. That’s according to a recent survey by startup Tipalti, which collected responses from more than 200 freelancers working in gig, sharing and marketplace economies around the world. Freelancer payment satisfaction...

Startup Check-In
FitPay Launches Contactless Payment Bitcoin Coin
February 26, 2018

What if bitcoin were actually a coin? FitPay has made it one. Flip, a new contactless payment device that the startup just made available for preorder, is a literal plastic coin resembling a casino chip or silver dollar that pairs with a cryptowallet on a...

Startup Check-In
Nanopay: Just Say No To Cryptos
February 23, 2018

The irony of cryptocurrency is that, the more mainstream it gets, the less it’s able to do what it was designed to do — that is, transfer monetary value between parties. That, said nanopay CEO Laurence Cooke, is why it will never have a future in...

Startup Check-In
Modo Strikes An Innovation Balance
February 23, 2018

Payments has a balancing problem, according to Modo CPO Matthew Leavenworth. There are two forces at odds, said Leavenworth: The growth of new ideas, entrants and true innovation in payments versus existing legacy systems — which often still function as designed, he noted, and weren’t...

Startup Check-In
Jewel Paymentech Takes On Marketplace Counterfeits
February 22, 2018

Amazon and Alibaba may be the most high-profile eCommerce marketplaces, but they are far from the only ones, especially in smaller international markets, where hundreds of platforms are aggregating wares from hundreds of sellers to serve more local clientele. Reaching underserved customers is a good...

Startup Check-In
New Chargeback Rules No Sweat For Chargehound
February 09, 2018

April 15, the day that Visa’s new chargeback rules go into effect, has stirred up a lot of anxiety for merchants – but for the startup Chargehound, it’ll be just another day. Merchants who respond to chargebacks manually are pulling their hair out as they...

Startup Check-In
Own Your Program Management, Own Your Destiny
February 08, 2018

Being a program manager isn’t easy. Essentially, it means handling everything other than card issuing, authorization and transaction processing. If it’s not holding money or providing a payment network, the program manager does it: AML (anti-money laundering) compliance, KYC (Know Your Customer), fraud mitigation, marketing,...

Startup Check-In
Purchase Order Matching Is A Sign Of Maturity
February 08, 2018

Not every organization is diligent about matching purchase orders (POs) with invoices when handling supply chain payments and accounts payable (AP). A PO matching process ensures that a PO has already been established and approved for the vendor before an invoice is even received, so...

Startup Check-In
Amaryllis’s 2018 Resolution: A Year Of Growth
January 30, 2018

New products, partners, and certifications will pave the path to growth for startup Amaryllis in 2018. CEO Mark Bishopp said it will be a “year of getting the word out” through tour stops, virtual CEO talks, and collaborations with some of the biggest names in...