The Incredible Shrinking PC Sales

The hits just keep on coming when it comes to PC sales — and not in a good way.

Worldwide PC shipments have taken their biggest hit in nearly two years during Q2 2015 — a reality that is causing echo effects through retailers and makers of computers, chips and PC software.

Shipments were down 9.5 percent, year on year, to 68.4 million units, according to Gartner, a research firm. IDC, on the other hand, tracked an 11.8 percent drop, year on year, to 66.1 million shipments during the quarter. That difference likely comes up because IDC does not count tablets as computers, Gartner does. Both firms released PC sales reports on Wednesday.

Lenovo led the PC vendor pack again, followed up by HP in second place and Dell in third. Those major makers, however, didn’t feel the big sting of their smaller counterparts — leading some to conclude that the PC market is contracting and consolidating around the big three vendors.

2012 saw a changing of the tide for PCs — and a full on crash in the market in 2013 when sales suddenly plummeted 11 percent. Gartner does anticipate sales picking up a bit later this month when Microsoft unleashes Windows 10, but all in all this will probably not be a year that computer makers ever refer to as the good old days — unless computers gain sentience and enslave us all next year.

“This year, we expect the market to be down by close to 4 percent compared to 2014,” said Mikako Kitagawa, a principal analyst at Gartner.


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