
US Cyber Command’s New Mission To Fight Threats

The U.S. government is taking yet another step in its efforts to defend against the ever-increasing threat of cyber attacks.

Navy Adm. Michael Rogers, commander of U.S. Cyber Command, released a new vision statement for the military command Tuesday (Sept. 8) while emphasizing the need for Cyber Command and its subordinate units to integrate its cyber defense operations into both national security and military efforts.

“Our challenge is to protect the things we value — freedom, liberty, prosperity, intellectual property and personal information — without hindering the free flow of information that fosters growth and intellectual dynamism,” Rogers wrote in the document, titled “Beyond the Build: Delivering Outcomes Through Cyberspace.”

According to a news article from the Department of Defense (DoD), the statement establishes Rogers’ intent for Cyber Command to use knowledge sharing practices to educate the military, intelligence community and civilian agencies on cyber threats and how to confront them.

The Cyber Command, which is charged as the DoD’s cybersecurity defense, defends the department’s networks, systems and information, as well as supports the military and contingency operations to protect the U.S. from cyberattacks.

The statement identifies cyberspace as a new “warfighting domain,” just like the land, air, sea and space are realms in which the country must have the necessary defenses. The vision statement calls for “new ways of defending, fighting and partnering against learning adversaries in the contested cyber domain,” which will require the need to operationalize cyberspace, the DoD reported.

“We [must] maintain an operational mindset, with our networks and cyber capabilities led by commanders who understand they are always in real or imminent contact with adversaries,” Rogers said in the vision statement.

The vision statement also identifies plans for Cyber Command to partner with both governmental agencies and those in the private industry to better prevent and identify forthcoming cyberattacks.

“It is my intent that we move forward quickly with our partners to build our military capabilities,” Rogers added. “We will build our teams and capabilities to be agile, innovative and accountable as we execute our missions on behalf of our nation.

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