Salesforce Debuts AI Products and Raises List Prices

Salesforce Debuts AI Products, Raises List Prices

After seven years of no increase in list prices, Salesforce will be increasing the average list price globally by 9% in August.

Salesforce is raising the cost of Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Industry and Tableau, the company said in a Tuesday (July 11) press release.

“Salesforce’s last list price increase was seven years ago, and since then the company has delivered 22 new releases, thousands of new features — including recent generative [artificial intelligence (AI)] innovations — and invested more than $20 billion in research and development,” the company said in the release.

The new list pricing will be $80 for Professional Edition (up $5), $165 for Enterprise Edition (up $15) and $330 for Unlimited Edition (up $30) to all new and existing customers purchasing new clouds, according to the release.

Generative AI features can add cost to tech companies’ offerings because of the amount of computing resources they require, Bloomberg reported Tuesday.

There have been broad price increases across many software providers this year, with procurement startup Vendr reporting that its customers have seen a 35% increase since 2022, the report said.

In one of Salesforce’s latest additions, the firm said in June that it introduced AI Cloud, a suite of capabilities designed to deliver real-time generative AI experiences across applications and workflows within the platform.

This new suite of capabilities enables sales representatives to auto-generate personalized emails tailored to their customers’ needs, and service teams to auto-generate personalized agent chat replies and case summaries.

In April, Salesforce rolled out a version of its Commerce Cloud for the healthcare field, with a HIPAA-compliant platform that is designed to streamline healthcare commerce experiences while reducing costs.

The platform’s new features let healthcare and life sciences organizations sell directly to their customers, automate B2B sales and improve service through streamlined order support.

“As the healthcare industry’s digital transformation continues, organizations that don’t offer online commerce channels run the risk of losing both customers and revenue to their competition,” Salesforce said at the time.