
Artificial Intelligence
End of an Era at Google DeepMind Hints at New Future for AI
July 11, 2023

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) as we know it began in earnest in 2017. That’s when a paper from Google’s DeepMind group titled “Attention Is All You Need” introduced the foundational architecture of transformer neural networks and socialized the revolutionary concept of multi-head attention, effectively slingshotting the capabilities of AI models...

CFPB Fines Bank of America $250 Million Over Junk Fees
July 11, 2023

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has ordered Bank of America to pay more than $250 million in penalties and restitution to customers. The move comes in response to the bank’s “systematically double-dipping” on fees imposed on customers with insufficient funds, failure to pay reward bonuses explicitly promised to credit card...

Retail Introduces AI-Powered Video ID Verification Tool
July 11, 2023 says it is using artificial intelligence to onboard customers in under two minutes. The payments solutions provider on Tuesday (July 11) announced the launch of Identity Verification, an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered video verification tool. “Identity fraud is evolving, with deep fakes and deceptive documents growing in sophistication,”...

Brands Realize They Can’t Go It Alone, Overhaul D2C Focus 
July 11, 2023

The direct-to-consumer (D2C) playbook really had a moment. It even had staying power through the pandemic as it provided brands with a way to reach consumers directly, bypassing traditional distribution channels and establishing a closer connection with their audience. D2C strategies enabled companies to control...

Is Resale Losing Its Appeal as Consumers Cut Back on Spending? 
July 11, 2023

Despite being in operation for 12 years, The RealReal has yet to achieve profitability. However, other brands and retailers have observed the popularity of resale and are embracing it. This leads to the question of whether the efforts put into resale initiatives are truly worthwhile.  ...

Payment Methods
Flutterwave Launches Tuition to Pay School Fees in Local Currencies
July 11, 2023

Flutterwave has launched a product to help African students pay school fees when studying abroad and at home. The new payment product, Tuition, will enable African users to conveniently pay fees to educational institutions both within Africa and overseas by using their local currencies, the payments technology...

EU and US Reach Much-Anticipated Data-Sharing Accord
July 11, 2023

In a victory for companies like Google and Meta, Europe and the U.S. have reached a data-sharing agreement. The European Commission announced Monday (July 10) the finalizing of the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework after concluding that the U.S. offers a level of data protection in line with...

B2B Payments
Company Data Silos Hinder Spend Management Success
July 11, 2023

There exists one golden rule of business operations: Any process can be streamlined. And quite frequently, it can be combined with other operations for a more efficient result. That’s because no matter the method or how long it has existed as status quo, it will...

Software-as-a-Service Will Simplify Move to Self-Service Checkout, Says LS Retail
July 11, 2023

When consumers are shopping in stores in the post-pandemic age, they seek new checkout experiences that offer the same benefits they’ve grown accustomed to online. Kristjan Johannsson, general manager at LS Retail, told PYMNTS that unified point-of-sale (POS) technologies and software-as-a-service (SaaS) could help bring...