
Magento Integrates With Braintree

Web Apps

As key shopping experiences along the customer journey such as checkout and payment are often the most complex and critical for developers to tackle, Magento has integrated Braintree into its default Venia Progressive Web Applications (PWA) storefront. The company noted that the offering provides an easy and quick way for developers to tap into a trusted gateway for credit and debit transactions.

The gateway can be configured for PWA in minutes, especially for current Braintree merchants. In addition, the company noted that shoppers will recognize the checkout experience’s familiar “Pay by card” interface that bolsters conversions and overall ease of use at the same time. Eric Erway, senior manager, product management, said in a post, “Braintree and Magento share the same vision when it comes to the developer experience: seamless, reducing friction, getting up and running quickly. Braintree’s easy to integrate card flow allows developers to quickly set it up and start accepting card payments in a flow that shoppers are familiar with.”

Erway also pointed out that “early feedback from developers and partners has been extremely positive.” He also noted that through developer documentation and PWA Studio sandbox, it is no longer necessary to set up and configure Magento to start testing out Venia. The company noted that PWAs continue to be an important consideration for merchants seeking cost-effective and high conversion mobile solutions for their businesses as of PWA Studio’s initial release many months ago with Magento 2.3. PWAs provide shoppers with highly personalized and cross-channel experiences that were once reserved for apps that were native.

The offering comes as web traffic is moving to mobile to encompass 52 percent around the world per Forrester Consulting, Magento said on a product page. And, as the influence of mobile when it comes to digital commerce continues to expand, the company noted on the page, “so have expectations of on-the-go consumers who demand lighting fast, app-like browsing experiences.”