Search results for "railroad"

September 23, 2015
3DS Brings Benefits to Issuers/Merchants, Says Study

As EMV is just around the corner, CNP fraud is likely to skyrocket. Here’s what one study found are the benefits to 3DS in combating fraud – and chargebacks too.

September 07, 2015
Yes, No And Maybe: What We Learned About Worldpay, EMV...

In 1894, Labor Day was created by an act of Congress to honor the “social and economic achievements” of the American worker. The holiday is traditionally celebrated with sleeping late,...

September 03, 2015
SMBs Slow To Jump On EMV Bandwagon

The clock is counting down, loudly now, with the EMV liability shift less than one month away. It is a deadline lots of business will be missing, especially small ones. As...

June 02, 2015
China: Railroad equipment manufacturers merge to form CRRC Corp

CRRC Corp was officially launched on June 1 with the completion of the merger of rolling stock manufacturers China CNR Corp and CSR Corp. CRRC has inherited all the businesses...

March 25, 2015
Mexico: Grupo Mexico hopes to raise $1.3 billion in rail...

Mexican mining, transport and infrastructure company Grupo Mexico is hoping to raise $1.3 billion from an initial public offering of its ITM rail unit, one of its senior executives said...

March 12, 2015
US: Koch’s antitrust suit revived

A federal judge’s ruling has revived an antitrust lawsuit filed four years ago by a company owned by one of the Koch brothers and accusing Union Pacific and BNSF Railway...

January 26, 2015
Why Smartphone Train Ticketing Hasn’t Sped Up

It’s the T if you’re in Boston, the L in Chicago, the Subway in NYC, the Muni in San Francisco, Metro in Los Angeles and the Tube in London. Just...

December 18, 2014
South Korea: Public utilities hit with unfair trade practices fines

South Korea’s Fair Trade Commission announced Thursday that it has sanctioned four public corporations and their affiliates a total of $13.9 million for anticompetitive conduct. Reports say Korea Electric Power,...

December 03, 2014
Startup Wants To Disrupt How Train Tickets Are Bought (Hooray)

As much fun as it is to ride a high-speed train across Europe, it’s just about that miserable to buy the tickets online. But Paris-based travel startup Capitaine Train is...