Search results for "subscriptions"

December 21, 2015
This Startup Wants To ‘Trim’ Monthly Subscriptions

A new Web service is taking aim at the difficulty of keeping track of multiple monthly subscriptions. Trim is a San Francisco startup founded by former venture capitalists Thomas Smyth...

December 16, 2015
MacKeeper Hack Exposes 13M Accounts

A suite of software designed to keep Apple’s Mac computers safe and secure is now under fire for exposing the personal information of millions of Mac owners after a recent...

December 15, 2015
NET-A-PORTER’s Mobile Push

Even though the high-profile events of the fashion world take place on a runway with exclusive crowds, NET-A-PORTER is showing that success in modern retail fashion depends on giving customers...

December 09, 2015
Amazon Beefs Up Prime Streaming

In the war of offering the most convenient services to customers possible, on-demand platforms are in a veritable arms race to add new content and features. Not one to fall...

December 09, 2015
Apple Suspending Live TV Streaming Service Plans

It looks like Apple is dropping out of the race to court the cordcutters of the world. The Cupertino-based firm will suspend its plans to develop a Web-based television service...

December 03, 2015
Mobile Becomes A Global Go-To

Half the battle in retail is making sure messaging is reaching the places where consumers are, but when the platforms they prefer are in near constant flux, this is easier...

December 01, 2015
Subscription Services Revive Deep Holiday Discounts

After a brief yet intense romance with the daily deal and discount-based promotions, various retailers have backed off from offering blanket price reductions. Many have come to believe that discounts...

December 01, 2015
Hackers Sell $1 Netflix Accounts On Dark Web

In the good old days of cybercrime, all the average Internet user had to worry about was having his or her personally identifiable financial or biographical information fall into the wrong...

November 16, 2015
Issuers To Apple Pay: Just Say No!

Odysseus was a pretty clever fellow. For those who might need a crash course in ancient Greek history, Odysseus was the mythical king of the island of Ithaca and star of...

Resolving Failed Payments for a Successful 2023
Subscription merchants that fail to offer multiple ways for consumers to buy their products will see their sales take a hit, says Bean Box CEO Matthew Berk. Only giving consumers one way to buy and pay is a key driver of voluntary churn, especially in these times. Read the “Subscription Commerce Tracker®,” a collaboration with Vindicia, for more.
A Household Supply Deep Dive
42% of Consumers With Retail Subscriptions Shop Less Often at Physical Stores Retail subscriptions are changing the shopping landscape, and nearly one-third of subscribers purchase most or all items using scheduled or auto-fill subscriptions. PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest study of 2,011 consumers and 188 retail subscription merchants, “The Replenish Economy: A Household Supply Deep Dive,” a collaboration with, details the replenish economy and its impact on in-store shopping habits.