Whatever your plans for a loan, you want to make sure the lender is one that’s right for you and their app is one that can...
The last 16 or so months has triggered a full reset of almost every part of consumers’ lives, as they were forced to rewire themselves to...
In today’s top news in digital-first banking, TrueLayer landed $70 million in a funding round headed up by Addition, while Envestnet had acquired Harvest Savings...
FinTech Avant, which works to give underserved consumers access to credit, has acquired Zero Financial along with its neobank, Level, according to a press release....
Maybe it’s a byproduct of that which shall not be named — by which we mean the pandemic — but PYMNTS’ Provider Rankings have been...
Personal loan apps are getting lots of attention during this time of incomprehensible financial doubt. Consumers are downloading and using these apps more now, and...
Unsecured lending is the theme of this week’s PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Personal Loan Apps, which looks at this fascinating space with fresh eyes to...
The Federal Trade Commission announced on Monday (April 15) a $3.85 million settlement with online lender Avant over a lawsuit alleging the firm lied to customers...
Online lenders in the U.S. including LendingClub, Kabbage, and Avant are gearing up for a slowdown in the economy and are taking a look at...