contextual commerce

Bringing Contextual Commerce To The TV Screen
Bringing Contextual Commerce To The TV Screen
February 13, 2019  |  Omnicommerce

The average Android user spends 53 minutes per day on Instagram. Add in the time spent on Facebook, Pinterest and other platforms, and consumers are...

Why Contextual Commerce Is Retail’s Future Now
Why Contextual Commerce Is Retail’s Future Now
February 12, 2019  |  Omnicommerce

Shopping is a social experience in more ways than one. Consumers are busy, attached to their smartphones and used to scrolling past thousands of product...

Why Google Wants To Ride Shotgun With Automobile OEMs
Why Google Wants To Ride Shotgun With Automobile OEMs
January 30, 2019  |  Ecosystems

In the quickly developing world of voice-controlled artificial intelligence, the car is shaping up to be the newest battleground. It is territory that it makes...

Fundbox Pay Expands To B2B Marketplaces
Fundbox Pay Expands To B2B Marketplaces
January 25, 2019  |  B2B Payments

Financing purchases at the point of sale is gaining traction in B2C eCommerce, so why not B2B? Fundbox is bringing Fundbox Pay to the points...

Are Vending Machines Contextual Commerce’s Next Frontier?
Are Vending Machines Contextual Commerce’s Next Frontier?
January 15, 2019  |  Unattended Retail

Everyone has a vending machine experience go awry. The bill receptor that wouldn’t take the wrinkled dollar bill, the can of Coke that got stuck...

Banks Jump Into The Contextual Commerce Stream
Banks Jump Into The Contextual Commerce Stream
January 03, 2019  |  Commerce

Consumers in the digital age don’t really embark on commerce journeys anymore, so much as they find themselves always on one. This is a situation...

Everything Old Is New Again
Everything Old Is New Again
December 27, 2018  |  Today In Data

Some things that feel new are not. Platform businesses that match-make between groups became all the rage over the last decade or so — but...

Today In Data: Keeping Track Of Consumer Context 
Today In Data: Keeping Track Of Consumer Context 
December 20, 2018  |  Today In Data

Context is everything, particularly in the age of digital retail where catching the consumer at the right moment is the difference between a conversion closed and a...

Want To Win Consumer Mind (And Wallet) Share? Think Context
Want To Win Consumer Mind (And Wallet) Share? Think Context
December 19, 2018  |  Mobile

The holidays are a time for both hyper-vigilance and hopes. Many consumers must watch their spending so they don’t exceed their credit card limits or...