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PYMNTS.com original reporting, in-depth interviews, deep dives, and data analysis.
3 Strikes and Cashiers Are Out at the New Ball Game
3 Strikes and Cashiers Are Out at the New Ball Game
March 30, 2024  |  Payment Methods

Baseball is back, and this year, more stadiums are tapping frictionless checkout to cut labor costs while meeting fans’ demand to spend as little time out...

PayFacs Serve Logistics Sector Through Digital Wallets
PayFacs Serve Logistics Sector Through Digital Wallets
March 30, 2024  |  B2B Payments

Innovations in embedded finance have captured the attention of decision makers in the logistics and wholesale trade space. As a result, payment facilitators (PayFacs), independent...

Rising Fraud Casts Shadow Over Voice Commerce Potential
Rising Fraud Casts Shadow Over Voice Commerce Potential
March 29, 2024  |  Security & Fraud

The proliferation of voice-activated technology, from virtual shopping assistants to speech recognition in smartphones and smart homes, is reshaping how consumers interact with devices. Advancements in this field...

AI Composers Turn Algorithms Into Music
AI Composers Turn Algorithms Into Music
March 29, 2024  |  Artificial Intelligence

An artificial intelligence (AI)-created blues song that went viral has ignited discussions among experts about the revolutionary role AI might play in reshaping the music...

Bank Branches Evolve Into Financial Education ‘Magnets’
Bank Branches Evolve Into Financial Education ‘Magnets’
March 29, 2024  |  Financial Inclusion

Last year, banks shuttered 2,300 branches. The move should come as no surprise, given the fact that banks, like any other business, have been examining...

i2c President Says Banks Have Reset Their Go-to-Market Strategies
i2c President Says Banks Have Reset Their Go-to-Market Strategies
March 29, 2024  |  Banking

Jacqueline White, president of i2c, told PYMNTS in an interview that financial services have undergone a seismic shift in recent years. When the pandemic hit, banks...

Walmart and Amazon Up the Ante in GenAI Race
Walmart and Amazon Up the Ante in GenAI Race
March 29, 2024  |  Retail

As Amazon and Walmart look to generative artificial intelligence (AI) to improve their businesses and capture more of consumers’ total spending, Amazon is stepping up its investment in the...

FinTech IPO Index Up Slightly as nCino’s Gains Offset Huize’s Slide
FinTech IPO Index Up Slightly as nCino’s Gains Offset Huize’s Slide
March 29, 2024  |  Fintech Investments

Earning season’s set to begin in just a few weeks — but we’re still not quite done with, well, earnings season. The FinTech IPO Index...

Boomers Flip the Script on Storing Travel Docs in Digital Wallets
Boomers Flip the Script on Storing Travel Docs in Digital Wallets
March 29, 2024  |  Mobile Wallets

Are there any adults still out there who aren’t using digital wallets to securely store important documents? The answer is yes. There are many who...