Temu has reportedly defied expectations by attracting a significant number of baby boomers and Generation X shoppers in the United States. Contrary to its reputation as...
In times of financial hardship, revolving a credit card balance to future months rather than paying it off entirely is a strategy consumers commonly adopt....
Internet and mobile phones came into their lives as adults. They shop online less than their millennials and Generation X, and they use...
Balancing household budgets amid rising living costs is a widespread challenge. To streamline finances, individuals residing with partners or spouses are most likely to pool...
Dating apps have revolutionized the way people meet and connect. In the U.S., more than 70 million consumers log in to these apps each month,...
Consumers often feel pressured to maintain a standard of living, which can be difficult in uncertain economic times with higher prices and interest rates. Keeping...
The healthcare industry is undergoing a digital transformation, with telehealth services gaining popularity among consumers of all ages. Even baby boomers, often stereotyped as resistant...
Online stores are seeing a big boost from retail subscriptions as the convenience and tailored experiences offered by digital retail subscriptions lead to a drop...
Rising costs haven’t stamped out the travel bug for Americans, a new Visa survey shows. The new edition of the Visa Global Travel Intentions Study, released Tuesday...