In Depth

Diving Into Microsoft’s Blockchain Partnership
November 12, 2015

Banks aren’t the only ones catching headlines with their support for blockchain technologies. Microsoft made a splash only weeks ago when the computer conglomerate revealed that it struck a partnership with ConsenSys, a firm that incubates and accelerates innovators using blockchain technology. The tie-in with Microsoft...

B2B Payments
How Freelancers Are Shaking Up Corporate Spend
November 12, 2015

The sharing economy has changed the way consumers operate today, and these impacts are making their way to the enterprise crowd. On-demand delivery services, corporate adoption of Airbnb and Uber, and emerging services that range from bringing catering to the office to hooking up companies with...

B2B Payments
AR Management Gets The QR Code Taken Seriously
November 11, 2015

Remember the QR code? You know, that weird-looking, black-and-white, pixelated image you can scan with your phone? When it first emerged in the U.S. market only a few years ago, it was largely seen as a novelty among consumers — a high-tech, flashy way for companies to...

B2B Payments
3,000 Hours Wasted On Expense Reporting
November 11, 2015

Three thousand hours. That’s equivalent to 125 days — more than four months! — wasted by companies whose employees are tasked with manually generating expense reports and manually correcting the errors that inevitably arise. That’s according to the latest research from the Global Business Travel...

B2B Payments
Invoice Financing Made Easier
November 11, 2015

Basware Advance seeks to keep SME owners on top of their invoices and help them get funding when needed. Here's why the CEO sees technology as a key to efficient financing.

BlackBerry’s Back, Again. But This Time It Looks Like Everyone Actually Likes It
November 10, 2015

BlackBerry was once mobile’s resident unstoppable giant. At its absolute peak, it held an estimated 70 percent of the mobile phone market, it was one of Oprah’s favorite things and it became affectionately known as “The CrackBerry,” a device so seductive users felt saddened to...

The XY Factor Of
November 10, 2015

While the future remains uncertain for Amazon competitor, there’s promise to be found in the type of shoppers who have so far taken the retail service for a spin: predominantly male, under 35. Is there a lesson to be gleaned for similar services to...

Whole Foods Shuns Bargain-Centric Shopping
November 10, 2015

Whole Foods isn’t like any other grocery chain, and its executives have tried hard to make it that way. Rising to the top of the heap during the mid-2000s health food craze, Whole Foods is now a standby of the premium grocery market. However, what...

Looping FinTech Into Cross-Border Capability
November 10, 2015

Paying international suppliers is tricky, and today’s payment servicers aren’t all equipped for the challenge. Saxo Payments’ new platform, Banking Circle, creates a global web of FinTech connectivity to let these players tackle what founder and CEO Anders la Cour describes as the three pillars...