Alternative Finances

Canadian Band Accepting Bitcoins For Album
March 24, 2014

A Canadian hip-hop band, Aint No Love, reportedly has released the first album that accepts bitcoins.

Marc Andreessen Doubles Down On Bitcoins
March 24, 2014

Given the string of recent controversies surrounding bitcoin – from the fall of Mt. Gox, to the suicide of the CEO of one exchange – some have begun forecasting the inevitable downfall of the digital currency. Internet pioneer and venture capitalist Marc Adnreessen is not...

Alternative Finances
Kiosks Created For Marijuana Sellers To Use In Lieu Of Banks
March 19, 2014

A cash-payment kiosk system for marijuana sales has been developed by Kansas City, Mo.-based software company Agrisoft and C4EverSystems LLC, according to a report in the Kansas City Business Journal. The system is meant to address the fact that most banks refuse to do business...

Does Big Data Build Better Loans?
March 18, 2014

Can big data really help underwrite a better loan?  Silicon Valley start-ups like LendUp, ZestFinance Inc. and Think Finance Inc. think so – they claim that by looking at everything from an applicant’s number of Facebook friends, bill paying habits and the amount of time they...

Alternative Finances
Payments Trends All The Talk At SXSW
March 17, 2014

The South by Southwest (SXSW) festival now underway in Austin, Texas, is representing an opportunity for various payments players to show their wares and demonstrate emerging technologies’ possibilities. It’s also generating lots of discussion. The recent woes affecting Bitcoin have not dimmed hopes for cryptocurrencies,...

Bitcoin Tracker: March 14
March 17, 2014

Bitcoin Tracker | Week 15 What’s the difference between pork bellies and bitcoins? Nothing, says Goldman Sachs. They pooh-pooh the notion of bitcoin as currency and instead classify it as a speculative asset that rises and falls based on the madness of the crowd. The...

Alternative Finances
SEPA Compliance Still Low Despite Feb. 1 Deadline
March 14, 2014

With just more than two weeks until mandatory compliance with the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) system goes into effect, companies − particularly small businesses − are scrambling to ensure they upgrade their systems by the Feb. 1 deadline. First conceived in 2000 and initially...

Alternative Finances
Report Reveals Who’s Behind On SEPA Migration
March 14, 2014

The European Central Bank (ECB) released its second Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) migration report on October 24, providing an extensive overview of how various eurozone stakeholders are succeeding, and struggling, with the upcoming February 1, 2014, deadline for SEPA credit transfer (SCT) and SEPA...

Alternative Finances
Future Innovators: How Far Should They Push The Limits?
March 11, 2014

Q. What do you get when you cross the CFPB, the FTC and Six Alternative Lending CEOs?  A. One heck of a conversation about the future of innovation in the financial services space.  At The Innovation Project 2014, will CFPB Deputy Director David Silberman and FTC Commissioner Julie...