Sweatcoin Walks Over Competition in Fitness App Rankings

news, what's hot, provider rankings, mobile applications, fitness, exercise, fitness apps, Sweatcoin, Planet Fitness, FitCoach, MyFitnessPal, Strava, Workouts by Muscle Booster, FitOn, RunKeeper, Nike Training Club, Map My Run By Under Armour, Workout for Women Fitness App

This edition of PYMNTS’ Provider Ranking of Fitness app brings to light eleven contenders ready to sweat it to the top.

Our top contender is unswayable from No.1. There’s a lot to compete for but only one tie in this edition. With a gap of 46 points from top to bottom, other highlights include some spot gains and spot losses, but the top 4 all held their ground.

Take a run through the below for more details.


Last edition’s top app Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter remains at No 1. However, it lost two points, landing at a score of 96 rather than its previous 98.

Coming up at the No 2. spot, we have Planet Fitness Workouts with a score of 93. The points were lowered by two, but the ranking itself remains the same.

Maintaining the No. 3 spot with the same score of 92, we have Fitness Coach & Diet: FitCoach.

No. 4 is held steady by MyFitnessPal, which gained two points from its previous score to reach 89 .

Gaining an entire spot and six points, and landing at No 5., is Strava: Run, Ride, Swim, with a score of 84.


In a flip, we have Workouts By Muscle Booster, which was previously No. 5 but fell to No.6 with a score of 75. Although it dropped only one spot, it also lost nine points.

Remaining at No. 7 spot, we find FitOn Workouts & Fitness Plans with a score of 71, five points lower than its previous score.

Coming out on top of a three-way tie from the previous edition, the No. 8 spot is held by Runkeeper — GPS Running Tracker, which gained one point to get a score of 63.

Map My Run By Under Armour and Nike Training Club  have both lowered a spot to No. 9 with a tied score of 59. That leaves the two with three points lower than prior round.

Ending the list at No. 10 is Workout For Women: Fitness App with a score of 52. It holds an identical score to before but drops a spot to close out this edition of the PYMNTS’ Provider Ranking of Fitness apps.