Search results for "retail payments"

November 05, 2010
POS Innovation in the Cloud

“As payments people, we sometimes forget the relationship between the retailers and the consumers and software used to foster that,” said Chip Kahn (IP Commerce Founder & CEO). Exploring innovations...

November 05, 2010
POS Opportunities around Social Networking

“It’s a phenomenal opportunity and tremendous place where commerce is going to happen, certainly not in the next quarter, but… it’s going to be game-changing over the next few years,”...

November 05, 2010
Can the U.S. Replicate Japan’s Mobile Payments Success?

Welcome back! Day 2 of The [Payments] Innovation Institute opened with a panel on three hot button issues for the payments sector: mobile, POS, and social networking. Andrei Hagiu (Senior...

November 03, 2010
Payment Developments Destined for the Graveyard

We have given all of you trick-or-treaters time to pack away the Batman and Lady Gaga costumes (at least until next year) and settle back into the payments world. We...

October 28, 2010
Transcript: Can TCF Stop Durbin?

DAVID S. EVANS: Hey, everyone. This is David Evans. TCF, which is a mid-sized bank, about $18 billion of assets headquartered in Minnesota, sued the Fed – the Federal Reserve...

October 28, 2010
Can TCF Stop Durbin?

Last week we heard how TCF planned to stop Durbin dead in its tracks. Not so says the National Retail Federation’s lead lawyer Mallory Duncan. For another take on TCF’s...

October 27, 2010
Mobile 206 Lesson 3: Emerging Mobile Implications

Mobile 206 Lesson 3: Emerging Mobile Evolution Lesson 3 Discussion Board: What kind of value proposition would a consumer need, and how rich would it have to be, to get...

October 26, 2010 What’s Next in Regulation’s Regulation Center will bring you “what’s next” in Regulation by bringing you up-to-date commentary and news on the impact of this regulation to the industry’s business, business models and...

October 25, 2010
Mobile 206 Lesson 1: Emerging Mobile Landscape

Mobile 206 (elective. Mobile 205 prerequisite): Emerging Payments Value Proposition Lesson 1 Discussion Board: Are mobile payments models that rely on direct statement billing viable and scaleable? Why or why...

Seizing The Digital-First Retail Renaissance
The Digital Tools Key To Helping Salons Grow Loyalty, Cut Payment Inconvenience One thing today’s consumers aren’t looking to cut when they head into beauty and hair salons is digital convenience. In the new Seizing The Digital-First Retail Renaissance Report, a PYMNTS and American Express collaboration, salon-owner Janet St. Paul explains how integrating digital appointments and contactless payments is helping to keep consumers coming back.  
The State of Real-Time Payments
How 500 CFOs in Four Industries Are Using Real Time Payments Real-time payments already account for at least 15% of B2B payments volume in the insurance, manufacturing and retail industries. PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest study of 500 executives across the retail, insurance, manufacturing and real estate sectors examines how these industries are using real time payments today and their plans for the future. Read more in “The State of Real-Time Payments,” a collaboration with The Clearing House.