Cisa news and trends

UK Surveillance Law Probes Deep Into Digital Activity
In Depth // November 04, 2015

The draft version of the U.K. government’s new Investigatory Powers Bill was published today, which if passed into law, will establish a new set of surveillance powers and allow security and intelligence agencies to have greater access to the websites visited by Internet users over...

What’s Next For Cybersecurity Regulations?
What's Hot // November 02, 2015

No one needs further convincing on the need to tackle cybercrime with regulation. As high-profile data breaches become commonplace, companies are preparing for a spate of regulation with government agencies realizing that it might be time to intervene. Last week saw two big breaches of...

Why Visa Is Voicing Support For CISA
News // October 28, 2015

In the ongoing debate over the controversial Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), Visa has made it clear exactly where it stands when it comes to the use of information sharing to improve the country’s cyber defense. On the heels of CISA being passed by the...

Controversial Cybersecurity Bill Reaches Senate Floor
News // October 22, 2015

After much debate and protest, the long-delayed Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) finally arrived to the U.S. Senate on Tuesday (Oct. 20). The controversial cybersecurity bill intends to make it easier for corporations and the federal government to defend against data theft through the sharing...

Quick Reads
Gas Station Software Vulnerable To Hacking

May 03, 2019
Homeland Security’s cybersecurity agency has issued an advisory about a popular gas station software that has flaws, making it highly vulnerable to hacking. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) gave the Orpak SiteOmat software a vulnerability severity rating of 9.8 out of 10, revealing that it has several security vulnerabilities that require “low skill” […]

Controversial Cybersecurity Bill Reaches Senate Floor

October 22, 2015
After much debate and protest, the long-delayed Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) finally arrived to the U.S. Senate on Tuesday (Oct. 20). The controversial cybersecurity bill intends to make it...

Tech Giants Remain Weary Of CISA Bill

October 19, 2015
Last week, the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA), which represents a group of major telecom and eCommerce companies, released a blog post stating it is “unable to support” the...

Tech Leaders Under Fire For Cybersecurity Bill Support

September 25, 2015
Some of the largest U.S. tech companies are feeling the backlash for their vote of support for the proposed, and very controversial, Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA). If passed into...