Complaints Mount About iPhone In China

According to the China Consumers’ Association (CCA), an increasing number of consumer requests are emerging for an investigation of iPhone — particularly the 6 and 6Plus models. This comes after a number of complaints that the devices switch off and can never again be turned on. Though no specific figure is available on the complaints, CCA noted it is a considerable number. 

Apart from the on/off problems, iPhone users are seeing phones turn themselves off as if their batteries had died despite showing a charge of 50 percent to 60 percent. The phone has also been reported to turn off spontaneously in cold conditions.

“In view that Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s series cell phones in China have a considerable number of users, and the number of people who’ve reported this problem is rather many, China Consumers’ Association has already made a query with Apple,” the association said in a statement on its website.

 Apple has offered no comment on the glitch at this time.
On the upside — Apple’s phones are not catching fire, which is better news than Samsung got. It had to recall 2.5 million of its flagship Note 7 smartphones due to faulty batteries.