Today In Data

Today In Data
Today In Data: True Digital Security May Not Happen Because Of Cyber Crime
June 12, 2017

Digital security may just be a pipe dream that society will always be chasing. With each new digitally infused product or service that opens up to the public, new doors to new weakness and cyber crime open up as well. From data being stolen to new products...

Today In Data
Today In Data: Dodd-Frank And Other US Government Updates
June 09, 2017

Government regulation is at the core of what helps shape the financial system in nearly every country, and the U.S. is no different. In this edition of Today In Data, we provide a brief overview of the effect of the House of Representatives’ vote to...

Today In Data
Today In Data: Consumers’ Demand For New IoT Payment Methods
June 07, 2017

Taking the temperature of consumer attitudes to help determine what’s next or how to best approach situations is something that’s often done by companies. One of the hot topics that has seen an uptick in researcher interest over the past few years has been connected...

Today In Data
Today In Data: Apple’s WWDC Conference Announcements
June 06, 2017

The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) is under way this week, and as expected, there are several announcements that have started to be unveiled. Here are the numbers: $349 | Cost of Apple’s new HomePod speaker, which is meant to be a competitor to the Sonos speaker...

Today In Data
Today In Data: Physical Cash’s Exit?
June 05, 2017

Think about the last time physical cash was used in someone’s daily life. In recent years, there have been conversations about countries like Denmark going cashless and people in the United States using less cash than five years ago. With the many ways technology has streamlined...

Today In Data: Who Can You Trust?
June 02, 2017

“In God we trust.” It’s stamped on every dollar and coin, and between hackers, malware, bots and stingy paychecks, it sort of looks like He or She is the only one we can trust with our money. Everyone worries about the security of their earnings....

Today In Data
Today In Data: Wealth Woes
June 01, 2017

Wealth can be a fickle friend, especially for people who walk the razor’s edge between “making it” and not. Among the most financially insecure are young college grads buried in student loans and older retirees living on fixed incomes. But even mega-companies and former international...

Today In Data
Today In Data: Money In, Money Out
May 31, 2017

Which big companies are making the biggest bucks this week? And who’s spending the most? From acquisitions to AI investments, from payments by phones to payments for phones, and of course, the world record that’s within Apple’s reach (but which may not be the low-hanging...

Today In Data: The Story Behind The Bitcoin Story
May 26, 2017

You’ve probably read a lot about bitcoin lately, as its value has been running a seemingly infinite victory lap this week and throughout 2017. But there’s more to bitcoin than stocks and price per coin. Here are some of the numbers behind the cryptocurrency. 182%...