Visa Teams With AWS to Streamline Cross-Border Payments
April 25, 2024

Visa says it has joined the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN). “Visa’s presence in the APN will help enable its partners and clients, including cloud-native fintechs, to access and integrate select Visa services more efficiently,” the company said in a Thursday (April 25) news release. Among the...

Working Capital Index Finds Central Europe and EMEA Ripe for Growth
April 24, 2024

Working capital enables companies to avoid disturbances in operations in the short term and power growth in the long term. In the Central Europe, Middle East and Africa (CEMEA) region, 58% of Growth Corporates used working capital solutions last year. The region’s low usage rate...

Visa CEO: ‘Long Runway’ Ahead as Digital Payments, Credentials Displace Cash and Checks 
April 23, 2024

Visa is seeing continued momentum in Tap to Pay and digital credential issuance, as consumers continue to spend on their debit and credit cards. CEO Ryan McInerney said on the call that overall payments volume in the second fiscal quarter was up 8% year over year...

Click-and-Mortar™ Shopping Expands by 49% In Brazil
April 19, 2024

Half of Brazilian consumers are adopting Click-and-Mortar™ shopping strategies, and the country trails only Saudi Arabia in the Click-and-Mortar™ transformation. The approach blends online and in-store shopping experiences through digital features and has rapidly gained traction worldwide. Brazil’s merchants have the opportunity to emerge as...

Visa Adds Subscription Manager to Digital Enablement Suite for Issuers
April 03, 2024

Visa launched a new Subscription Manager service that financial institutions can provide to Visa cardholders. The new service provides a single place where consumers can see where their card details are stored, view recurring payments attributed to their card and stop recurring payments, the company said...

Working Capital Fuels APAC High-Growth Corporates
April 03, 2024

Accessing working capital enables companies to avoid operational disturbances in the short term and power growth for the long term. In the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, 66% of Growth Corporates accessed working capital solutions in the last year. This share is the second lowest rate of...

New Report: To Compete, Small Businesses Must Sharpen Use of Digital Shopping Features
March 28, 2024

Consumers increasingly want digital innovation no matter where they shop. Industry giants typically hold an edge in providing more digital shopping features because of their size and scale. However, savvy small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) have found ways to punch above their weight despite their...

Visa Extends Risk Management Solutions to Non-Visa Transactions
March 27, 2024

As real-time and account-to-account transactions rise and payments fraud continues to rise with them, Visa is putting artificial intelligence (AI) to work. The company announced Wednesday (March 27) that it will use AI in a trio of new applications within its fraud and risk management...

Visa: Tokens Bring $2 Billion ‘Uplift’ to Asia-Pacific Economy
March 26, 2024

Visa said its token service has been a boon for the Asia-Pacific region’s digital economy. The region saw an “uplift” of more than $2 billion last year due to Visa token service (VTS) adoption, the company announced in a Tuesday (March 26) press release. “VTS replaces the 16-digit...