
Google Aims to Take UPI Payments Beyond India’s Borders
January 17, 2024

Google Pay is working to expand India’s popular mobile payment system beyond that country’s borders. The tech giant has signed an agreement with the National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) aimed at broadening the use of its United Payments Interface (UPI) for travelers outside of...

Google Slashes Hundreds of Jobs as Companies Prioritize AI
January 11, 2024

Google is reportedly laying off hundreds of workers in its ongoing cost-cutting campaign. The tech giant plans to cut positions in its voice assistant business, as well as hundreds more among the hardware team behind its Pixel, Nest and Fitbit products, Reuters reported Wednesday (Jan....

Google Faces AI Tech Patent Trial Brought by Singular Computing 
January 09, 2024

Google is currently embroiled in a trial that began Tuesday (Jan. 9) in Boston, where it faces accusations of patent infringement related to the processors it uses to power artificial intelligence (AI) technology in its key products.  The trial, brought by Singular Computing, alleges that Google copied...

Google to Test Limiting Cross-Site Tracking on Chrome Browser
December 14, 2023

Google’s Chrome browser will begin testing a new feature that limits cross-site tracking by restricting website access to third-party cookies by default.  The new Tracking Protection feature will be rolled out to 1% of Chrome users globally on Jan. 4, the company said in a Thursday (Dec....

Google Delivers Formal Response to EU’s Threat to Ad Tech Unit 
December 08, 2023

Google has made a formal response to the European Union’s (EU) threat to break up its profitable advertising technology (ad tech) arm, calling the allegations “flawed.” The EU’s competition chief, Margrethe Vestager, said in June that the only way to restore competition in the sector was...

Google Adds Personalized Gift Recommendations to Generative AI-Powered Search
November 16, 2023

Google has added personalized gift recommendations to its generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities in Search.  That is one of three new features the tech giant has introduced to make it easier for shoppers to find holiday gifts, Julie Black, director of product, consumer shopping at Google,...

Google Maps Adds Collaborative Lists and Emojis
November 15, 2023

Google has added a feature to Google Maps that makes it easier for groups to plan trips. This is one of three new features and updates that have been added to Google Maps, the company said in a Wednesday (Nov. 15) blog post. Updates to the list feature in...

Google Aims to Set Precedent With AI Scam Lawsuit
November 13, 2023

Google has filed a lawsuit aimed at preventing scams related to its AI offerings. The tech giant announced the suit Monday (Nov. 13) on its blog, saying the hope is that these actions build a legal precedent for preventing artificial intelligence (AI)-related fraud. The suit deals with scammers...

Google Intros Holiday Shopping Tools as Consumers Seek Deals
November 07, 2023

Google has introduced new search tools designed to help shoppers find holiday deals. The tech giant announced Tuesday (Nov. 7) that it was rolling out a “dedicated deals page” that collects “millions of deals from thousands of brands and retailers in one place.” In addition,...