Nordstrom Ties App Wanelo Into Real-World Shopping Experience

Nordstrom’s is trying to make real world shopping a little more like online shopping and perhaps just a little more social by integrating popular fashion rating app Wanelo into the in-store experience.

According to Women’s Wear Daily, the high-end retailer is placing wall displays in 107 stores nationwide which will feature styles that the store already carries, which is to be expected, but then also incorporates the social shopping app by allowing the images to be selected on the basis of what is rated most popular by Wanelo’s users.

“People are just ready for an experience that is fully focused on shopping,” Wanelo founder Deena Varshavskaya told the source. “They have been frustrated with not being able to shop on Pinterest or Instagram.”

Since its launch in 2011, Wanelo has brought together 11 million fashion enthusiast users to rank and rate fashion choices collectively.

Nordstrom has 1.2 million Wanelo followers who thus far have uploaded more than 200,000 products to the brand’s page. That adds up to 30 million saves of the store’s products, with an average of 343 average saves per item. These numbers make Wanelo a better source for product saves than Pinterest.

“The way that we’re creating these video experiences is by looking at that trending data,” said Bryan Galipeau, Nordstrom’s social media director. “It’s a purely customer-driven strategy. We take a snapshot of that trending category once every week, and we will then match that up against our inventory and what’s available in those stores so we’re providing a good customer experience.”

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