Search results for "artificial intelligence"

August 09, 2017
Download: B2B API Tracker™ – August 2017 Edition

[vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_custom_heading text=”Download The Latest Tracker” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left|color:%23000000″ use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_separator color=”black” css=”.vc_custom_1494434372553{padding-bottom: 10px !important;}”][vc_column_text] [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_custom_heading text=”INSIDE THE AUGUST TRACKER” font_container=”tag:h4|text_align:left|color:%23000000″ use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_separator color=”black” css=”.vc_custom_1494434372553{padding-bottom: 10px !important;}”][vc_column_text]A conversation with Jason Carone, Silicon...

August 09, 2017
API As Olive Branch? Silicon Valley Bank Seeks To End...

The rivalry between banks and FinTechs has, at times, been tense if not downright combative. Enter APIs to help the two sides coexist more peacefully. API solutions are doing more...

August 08, 2017
AI/BOTS: Consumer Behavior Transformation Via AI

Gone are the days of mom-and-pop stores where the owner behind the counter knew what the customer wanted before he or she even spoke. Rather than having one-on-one relationships with...

August 08, 2017
The Russian Connection (To Alt Lending Globally)

ID Finance Co-Founders Boris Batine and Alexander Dunaev were far from newcomers to the world of finance when they started up their business in 2012. Long before founding a data...

August 07, 2017
Personal Data, Exploitative Contracts, and Algorithmic Fairness: Autonomous Vehicles Meet...

Posted by Social Science Research Network Personal Data, Exploitative Contracts, and Algorithmic Fairness: Autonomous Vehicles Meet the Internet of Things By Philipp Hacker (European University Institute) Abstract:      Personal...

August 07, 2017
Traydstream Targets Trade Data Automation With New Partnerships

Traydstream, one of the trade finance industry’s newest entrants, has already struck partnerships only a month after launching. The company announced news on Friday (Aug. 4) that it is partnering...

August 04, 2017
Alt-Lending Enjoys Sudden Investment Revival

Alternative lending was the golden child among investors around 2015, but lately, the industry seems to have fallen out of favor thanks to regulatory uncertainty and questions over the viability...

August 04, 2017
Why Community Banks Can’t Afford To ‘Wait and See’ About...

Previous stereotypes be damned, recent research pegs Millennials as entrepreneurial, with almost half the generation planning to start businesses within the next three years. For community banks, it’s a wake-up...

August 03, 2017
Voice Activated Tracker: Retailers Seek AI Boost

The evolution of the retail industry is well underway, and it’s becoming more evident (perhaps as a response to eCommerce giants like Amazon) that retailers are looking for innovative ways...

Generative AI Tracker®: Rerouting the Telecom Industry: Generative AI’s Impact on Communication Services

Generative AI’s use in the telecommunications industry is increasing, with 87% of telecom executives seeing its potential to enhance customer relations and experience, but 68% of telecoms also admit they are insufficiently addressing the risks associated with the technology. The latest edition of the “Generative AI Tracker®,” a collaboration with AI-ID, examines why three-quarters of telecoms see a need to do more to combat AI fraudsters, underscoring the tension between innovation and robust security.

Leveraging AI and ML to Thwart Scammers

Although authorized party fraud accounts for only 37% of FIs’ fraud losses in dollars, these types of attacks are the most likely to impact customer satisfaction and retention — something FIs cannot overlook. PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest 29-page report, “Leveraging AI and ML to Thwart Scammers,” a collaboration with Hawk, contains 8 charts of proprietary data examining the role of ML and AI to help keep fraudsters from getting the upper hand