March 29, 2021
AEVI Teams With Mastercard To Streamline Cross-Channel eCommerce
AEVI is teaming up with Mastercard Payment Gateway Services (MPGS) to streamline omnichannel eCommerce by integrating their technologies, in an effort to improve the end-to-end user experience. “The commercial relationship...
November 03, 2020
The Nine Things We Know For Sure About The Post-Pandemic...
There’s no shortage of pain points to catalog from the past six months: A global pandemic, worldwide economic disruption, record-breaking unemployment, an invasion by murder hornets — the hits never...
July 26, 2019
How To Get Innovation Right In Retail
All that investment in innovation pays off — so says the National Retail Federation, which found that three out of five “consumers feel retail technologies have improved their shopping experiences.”...
July 17, 2019
Helping SMB Service Providers Catch The Digital Innovation Wave
It can be easy to forget — especially for people plugged into digital payments and commerce — that much of the world still revolves around analog processes. That holds especially true...
July 11, 2019
Retail’s Innovation Race Pits Products vs. Services
Innovation takes many flavors and paths, and that’s especially true when it comes to merchants who sell retail products and companies that sell retail services. And payments plays a big...
June 17, 2019
Beyond Registers — What’s Next For Retail Store Payments?
Is the store register on its way out in favor of other retail and payments innovation? That’s probably a bridge too far when thinking about the recent register outage suffered...
May 10, 2019
Celebrating Small Business Week With Innovation
A little under half of the American workforce is employed by small businesses, and the majority of those workers are employed by very small businesses – those with less than...
May 10, 2019
Payments Innovation Crucial In Consumer Services
For the new Retail Innovation Readiness Index, PYMNTS studied companies like auto garages, contractors and tourism and entertainment-related venues to find out the state of innovation.
May 09, 2019
SMB Retail Innovation: Payments And Inventory Boost Prospects
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em – so goes the motto for pragmatic surrender. In retail, the corollary to that might be if you cannot survive on your own...