Search results for "buy now pay later"

May 25, 2011
Earthquake Aftermath in Haiti: The Rise of Mobile Money Adoption...

Introduction In a cybercafé in downtown Port-au-Prince, Jean Yves deposits money into his TchoTcho Mobile account. Michel, his brother who owns the business, recommended that he register for this mobile...

May 02, 2011
Analysis: Hip to be “Square?” Why Visa Thinks So

Last week’s announcement of Visa’s strategic investment in Square set off a wave of news reports and blog posts about its implications for Visa, Square and the rest of the...

May 02, 2011
Richard Schmalensee: The Economic Impact of Durbin on Consumers and...

Full Coverage: Debit Stakeholders Face Off at Durbin Conference DAVID EVANS: I’d like to turn now to Dick Schmalensee. Dick is now the Howard Johnson Professor of Economics and...

April 21, 2011
From Fat to Thin: How the Cloud and Mobile will...

A History of Your Stuffed Wallet   For centuries, people walked the planet with small pouches crammed with coins and other forms of money, never worrying about their ability to...

April 11, 2011
Processors: Connecting the Dots for Payments Growth?

Introduction   Every day, billions of payments transactions take place all over the world. In the United States, a typical consumer’s day comprises numerous exchanges of value as she buys...

March 13, 2011
Processors: Connecting the Dots for Payments Growth?

Click here to download this article as a PDF. Introduction   Every day, billions of payments transactions take place all over the world. In the United States, a typical consumer’s...

March 10, 2011
Square vs. VeriFone: Mobile Payments ‘Square’ Off In Security Showdown

What a day at the ole’ payments corral in the “square off” initiated by VeriFone’s CEO, Mr. Doug Bergeron. While people in our industry can be and should be very...

February 23, 2011
Driving Contactless Payments — WIFM? (What’s in it For Me?)

By Lisa Stanton, Executive Director, Global Alliances, Monitise Consumers are creatures of habit. If you think about your daily routine, there will likely be similar, familiar habits that continue throughout...

February 22, 2011
Google Takes a Bite of the Apple

Google and Apple made news last week when they announced their respective plans to help publishers monetize their content. Less than 24 hours after Cupid worked his magic on Valentine’s...

Beyond the Headlines: Understanding BNPL’s Impact on Consumers

As Americans increasingly rely on BNPL for essentials, November is poised for record spending via this payment method, with 1 in 5 consumers planning to use it. The latest “FinTech Tracker®,” a collaboration with Sezzle, examines the economic forces driving this upswing, BNPL’s shift from optional to necessary spending, and the mounting calls from critics for stronger regulations and safeguards.

The Use of Card-Linked Installment Plans in Online and In-Store Sales

Implementing card-linked installment plans should significantly boost merchants’ sales, say 94% of acquirers. PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest 35-page study, “Navigating New Norms: The Use of Card-Linked Installment Plans in Online and In-Store Sales,” a collaboration with Splitit, features seven charts of exclusive data detailing how innovative payment options can meet evolving consumer demands and drive growth.