Navigating The COVID-19 Pandemic

The Navigating The COVID-19 Pandemic: How Consumers Are Reorganizing Their Lives In The Wake Of The Outbreak brief launches PYMNTS investigation into the ways in which U.S. consumers are reorganizing their lives in the wake of the pandemic. Our first study, conducted on March 06, 2020, focuses on a survey of a census-balanced panel of 2,128 U.S. consumers, aiming to understand consumers' initial degrees of concern about the virus and how that concern changes across generations and income levels.
Inside the March 6 study:
  • 36.9 percent: Share of consumers who are "very" or "extremely" worried about the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 65.7 percent: Portion of consumers who believe that the media's depiction of the pandemic is worse than it is
  • 63.0 percent: Share of consumers who say that they would want a COVID-19 vaccine to be readily available before they go back to traveling