Digital Identity

Digital Identity
When Digital First Became Digital Only — And What It Means For Digital Identity
April 08, 2020

Before COVID-19 arrived on the scene at pandemic scale and upended nearly every corner of day-to-day life for consumers and businesses all over the world, “digital first” was a popular term applied to the future of commerce and services. And, for some consumers, the phrase was...

Digital Identity
Looking Toward Digital Onboarding In The Battle Vs. Fraud
April 03, 2020

There’s been no real harbinger of what we’re facing: the huge shift toward doing everything at home, from working to learning to — especially — shopping. The fraudsters follow the money, of course — which means they follow the money home, so to speak. To put it more...

Digital Identity
ID2020: What’s Needed For Digital Identity In 2020
March 27, 2020

Who we are, where we’re headed and what this all looks like on the “other side” of the pandemic are topics on everyone’s mind right now. So are vaccines. So is online shopping, with urgency. All of these subjects share a commonality: IDs. In commerce, knowing...

Digital Identity
Authentication: The Real Deal For Digital And Mobile App Banking
March 27, 2020

René Descartes said, in so many words, “I think, therefore I am.” Popeye said, in these exact words, “I yam what I yam.” The point is that people (even cartoon people) prefer to define themselves. So it is with the science of authentication, where consumers...

Digital Identity
Why Digital Identity Needs A New Normal – Now
March 27, 2020

Although every business wants to “future-proof,” actually doing it is much, much harder. As the first quarter of 2020 has been kind enough to demonstrate on a global scale, the future is an unpredictable place. For all the predictions, models and plans that existed for the first part...