
B2B Payments 2021: Assessing The Gaps And Digital Opportunities
B2B Payments 2021: Assessing The Gaps And Digital Opportunities
January 05, 2021  |  B2B Payments

Most businesses strive to expand, but expansion can come with growing pains. It can be particularly challenging for growing businesses to manage payment flows. Having...

Report: Taxpayers Face $400B Hit On Bad Student Loans
Report: Taxpayers Face $400B Hit On Bad Student Loans
November 22, 2020  |  Economy

U.S. taxpayers stand to absorb a hit of about $435 billion from borrowers’ failure to repay student loans currently on the federal government’s book, the...

College Towns Face Hard Choice Between COVID-19 Safety And Economic Ruin
College Towns Face Hard Choice Between COVID-19 Safety And Economic Ruin
November 18, 2020  |  Coronavirus

Communities across the country that typically thrive alongside the colleges and universities they host are facing an array of COVID-19-era challenges. As the rate of...

Google Moves Expedition VR Tool To Culture App For Home Learning
Google Moves Expedition VR Tool To Culture App For Home Learning
November 13, 2020  |  Google

Google is integrating its Expedition 360 virtual reality (VR) tools to Google Arts & Culture app to allow teachers to keep offering students digital adventures...

US Colleges See Drop In International MBA Students
US Colleges See Drop In International MBA Students
November 04, 2020  |  International

The decline in international students setting their sights on M.B.A. programs in the U.S. means more of them are looking elsewhere — to Europe and...

College Enrollments Declined Sharply This Fall
College Enrollments Declined Sharply This Fall
October 15, 2020  |  Coronavirus

Enrollment at U.S. colleges and universities fell sharply this fall, with the steepest decline among first-year undergraduates, the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center reported on...

Flywire Teams With Brazilian Education And Travel Group
Flywire Teams With Brazilian Education And Travel Group
October 07, 2020  |  Payments Innovation

Vertical payments firm Flywire has partnered with BELTA, the Brazilian Educational & Language Travel Association, in a move that grows the availability of its cross-border...

Digital Onboarding Comes To Higher Education
Digital Onboarding Comes To Higher Education
September 17, 2020  |  Innovation

Universities are getting schooled in “pandenomics” — a portmanteau of “pandemic” and “economics” coined by PYMNTS to describe manifestations of COVID-era financial change in different...

Deep Dive: How College Onboarding Is Getting A Remote Push During The Pandemic
Deep Dive: How College Onboarding Is Getting A Remote Push During The Pandemic
September 16, 2020  |  Digital Onboarding

The COVID-19 pandemic’s negative effects are hitting almost every sector, and higher education is no exception. Many colleges and universities are scrambling to reconfigure classes...