
Bitcoin Daily: P2P Firm Origin Launches Stablecoin; Coinbase Beefs Up Team With Venmo, Adobe, Google Hires
Bitcoin Daily: P2P Firm Origin Launches Stablecoin; Coinbase Beefs Up Team With Venmo, Adobe, Google...
September 23, 2020  |  Bitcoin

Origin unveiled a stablecoin for the Ethereum network dubbed the Origin Dollar (OUSD), according to a Medium post. The digital currency receives “competitive yields” from...

GM Cruise Introduces Origin Self-Driving Vehicle
GM Cruise Introduces Origin Self-Driving Vehicle
January 22, 2020  |  Retail

After delaying the rollout of a public self-driving vehicle service six months ago, Cruise, a majority-owned General Motors subsidiary, introduced its first vehicle designed to...

What Does Blockchain Have To Do With The Gig Economy?
What Does Blockchain Have To Do With The Gig Economy?
October 23, 2018  |  Gig Economy

In the pre-mobile world, in the time before the Uberization of every conceivable service, the gig economy existed — just not in the highly organized...