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Americans Still Love Cash — And Plenty Of It
Americans Still Love Cash — And Plenty Of It
January 15, 2015  |  News

Despite the hopes of banks, mobile payments innovators and credit-card brands, Americans aren’t getting any closer to being “cashless,” Businessweek reported. While Americans carry a...

Amazon Veteran Reveals Company’s Pricing Tricks
Amazon Veteran Reveals Company’s Pricing Tricks
January 14, 2015  |  News

Amazon boasts its business model as offering online shoppers the lowest price they can find. But an Amazon veteran has launched a new startup that...

Uber Says It Will Hand Over Trip Data — In Its Own Way
Uber Says It Will Hand Over Trip Data — In Its Own Way
January 14, 2015  |  News

Uber is hoping to smooth over some of its problems with city taxi regulators by offering them trip data for its customers, The Washington Post...

Alibaba Will Block Dangerous Toys From Entering The US
Alibaba Will Block Dangerous Toys From Entering The US
January 14, 2015  |  International

Alibaba has agreed to block the sale of as many as 15 illegal or dangerous toys in the U.S., the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission...