Are Millennials and Super Apps a Match Made in Connected Heaven?

PayPal - Super Apps For The Super Connected - October/November 2022 - Discover how millennials are leading the charge for use of a super app to consolidate their digital lives

PayPal - Super Apps For The Super Connected - October/November 2022 - Discover how millennials are leading the charge for use of a super app to consolidate their digital lives

Consumers are inundated by digital interactions and online choices, and the constant flow of digital actions can be daunting. Many use multiple devices to curate their lives but can be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of digital tasks they must handle daily. For the most tech-savvy or “super-connected” consumers, a super app that can streamline their activities and help them manage their digital lives is highly appealing.

Super Apps For The Super Connected,” a PYMNTS and PayPal collaboration, looks at the motivations behind consumers’ desire to use a super app to optimize their time.

Millennials: The Ultimate Super App Consumers

According to the report, convenience drives technical adoption and device usage for most consumers. For the connected-tech consumer, that means using multiple devices that help them efficiently connect to goods, services and experiences.

Millennials are leading the way in tech adoption and interest in a super app — this makes sense, as they have often served as a bellwether for shifts in consumer preferences. Although one-quarter of all consumers indicated high interest, 40% of millennials reported being very or extremely interested in a super app. Just 35% of Generation X consumers and 25% of Gen Z consumers reported the same level of interest.

Convenience and Simplicity Are Table Stakes for Millennials  

Millennials are digital natives, according to the report, and this leads them to have higher expectations for their digital experiences than other generations. Millennials are not only more accustomed than other generations to engaging in digital activities — whether shopping, buying groceries or streaming music and videos — they also tend to regard efficiency and ease as the baseline of their digital interactions and tasks.

While millennials would be key drivers of super app adoption, convenience-motivated members of other generations may also move towards this view.

“A super app is most appealing to consumers who want to get the most out of their devices and apps — in particular, convenience, enjoyment and effortless management of their daily lives.”

To learn more, download the report.