Chip Cards news and trends

You Haven’t Been Yourself Lately: Digital Identity Trends 2020
Security & Fraud // January 13, 2020

The launch of EMV chip cards in the U.S. in the early 2000s had much of the hoped-for effect: By 2017, both Mastercard and Visa had reported that counterfeit fraud was more than halved. That’s one of the happier stories in the turbulent digital identity...

NRF Warns Against EMV Verification Flaws
Authentication // January 09, 2020

While the expanding adoption of EMV cards in the U.S. has helped to largely eliminate card-present counterfeit fraud at the physical point of sale, some merchants believe that more can be done. In this month’s Digital identity Tracker, Stephanie Martz, senior vice president and general...

NRF On PIN-less EMV Cards And POS Fraud
Authentication // January 08, 2020

The development of digital identity solutions shows no signs of slowing in the new decade, with the mobile biometrics market expected to add $28.45 billion per year in incremental growth between 2018 and 2023. Facial authentication and cloud-based subscription services are particularly popular, with applications...

Visa: EMV Drives POS Counterfeit Fraud Down 76 Pct
Payment Methods // May 30, 2019

Visa said this week that as acceptance of EMV cards has gained traction in the U.S., counterfeit fraud, measured in dollars for these card present transactions, has dropped precipitously. The latest stats show that the continued upgrade to chip card acceptance – which began in...

Interviews & Exclusives
PayPal On Taking Merchants From Here — To Their Multichannel Anywhere

February 07, 2018
Consumers don’t really care what word retailers and payments providers use to describe a seamless payment experience across all of the places they shop on and offline, or whether that merchant is enterprise large or micro merchant small – they just expect merchants to be there, ready, willing and able to make a transaction happen. […]

What QSRs Can Learn From Stadium Concessions

August 21, 2017
Are you ready for some football? Not until you’ve got snacks and a beer in hand — a process that will cost you both a lot of money and time at...

Too Much Security? There’s No Such Thing

August 18, 2017
Retailers are retailers, not security experts. Too often, their best efforts can create friction at the point of sale for consumers, which leads to shopping cart abandonment and lost revenue,...

Pay By Sound: It’s Back!

August 09, 2017
Sound travels at 767 miles per hour, so if you want a faster contactless payment, audio waves aren’t a bad vehicle for it. But harnessing audio waves for payments purposes...

Quick Reads
EMVCo: Majority Of Payment Cards (8.2B) Are Chip-Enabled

January 22, 2020
More than 8.2 billion chip-enabled consumer cards — credit and debit — are now in use across the world, according to EMVCo, the industry standard organization. Globally, more than 75 percent of all cards are now enabled with EMV chip technology. In development for over a decade, SmartMetric began designing products with biometric technology. The […]

Visa: EMV Drives POS Counterfeit Fraud Down 76 Pct

May 30, 2019
Visa said this week that as acceptance of EMV cards has gained traction in the U.S., counterfeit fraud, measured in dollars for these card present transactions, has dropped precipitously. The...

Square Makes EMV Transactions Faster In The US

August 15, 2018
Square, the digital payments company, announced on Wednesday (Aug. 15) that it delivered on its pledge to make EMV transactions faster in the U.S. In a press release, the company said...

Chip Card Shipments Top 2.3 Billion In 2017

July 06, 2018
Generating year-on-year growth of nearly 4 percent, Smart Payment Association (SPA) data indicates that 2.3 billion payment chip cards were shipped worldwide in 2017. While shipment volumes in China and...