Cyberhacks news and trends

WannaCry Hero Says He Didn’t Hack People’s Bank Data
Legal // August 15, 2017

Marcus Hutchins, a 23-year-old British cybersecurity researcher and employee of L.A.-based Kryptos Logic, was arrested earlier this month in Las Vegas for building and selling malicious code known as “Kronos,” which was used to hack into and steal banking credentials between July 2014 and 2015....

Quick Reads
Kaspersky Lab Catches Backdoor In NetSarang System

August 16, 2017
NetSarang — a software vendor “used by hundreds of large companies worldwide, including those in financial services, education, telecoms, manufacturing, energy and transportation,” according to a spokeswoman from Kaspersky Labs — has closed and locked a dangerous back door in one of its software systems, which hackers could have used to infect businesses using the server management […]

WannaCry Hero Says He Didn’t Hack People’s Bank Data

August 15, 2017
Marcus Hutchins, a 23-year-old British cybersecurity researcher and employee of L.A.-based Kryptos Logic, was arrested earlier this month in Las Vegas for building and selling malicious code known as “Kronos,”...