
Apple CarPlay Now Available In 200+ Models
December 09, 2016

Another day, another IoT expansion. Today, it’s in the smart car sector. Apple CarPlay, the IoT integration that allows drivers to link their access their smartphone to a vehicle’s dashboard screen or voice control, is now available in over 200 vehicle models. With Apple CarPlay,...

ChargePoint Integrated Into Apple Maps
December 09, 2016

With electric vehicles growing in popularity, Apple is reportedly adding more electric charging station locations to its Apple Maps. According to a report, Apple has been making the move since the launch of iOS 10, and on Thursday (Dec. 8), ChargePoint, the electric vehicle (EV) charging...

iPhone 7 Pushes Apple’s Biggest Growth In Years
December 08, 2016

It’s looking like Apple is ringing the cash registers this holiday season with sales of the iPhone 7. The firm is reporting its strongest growth rate in two years as it picks up market share on Android. According to the latest data from Kantar World Panel,...

Apple App Store Had Record Sales In November
December 08, 2016

Questions may be arising about demand for Apple’s iPhone 7 and its Apple Watch Series 2, but when it comes to the Apple App Store, the consumer electronics giant is killing it. That’s according to Philip Schiller, vice president of worldwide marketing at Apple, who took...

Credit Suisse Says iPhone 8 Will Be Great
December 07, 2016

Fear not the iPhone, says Credit Suisse. Barron’s noted that Apple, the tech giant behind the ubiquitous phone, has seen some cuts to estimates on The Street. But one sell-side shop, Credit Suisse, has a sanguine outlook for the future of the newest model of...

Supreme Court Sides With Samsung, 8-0
December 06, 2016

Today marks a new turn in the seemingly unending patent war between Apple and Samsung. The Supreme Court sided with Samsung, ruling 8-0 to overturn an appeals court ruling from 2015. The court heard arguments in the case back in October — the first time...

Apple Will Use Drones To Improve Maps, Add Indoor Navigation
December 02, 2016

No less a tech behemoth than Apple is looking to use drones in its own operations, in a move that Bloomberg said seeks to boost the firm’s Maps service. This would be a shot across the location-mapping bow of Google, the newswire said earlier this...

iPhones To Get Curvy, Maybe
November 29, 2016

Where does the time go? Next year marks the 10th anniversary of when the first-generation iPhone was released. And rumors allege that one of next year’s iPhone models could come with a thinner, curved screen (and not like when the iPhone 6 warped in users’ pockets)....

Apple’s China Struggle
November 28, 2016

Bloomberg said last week that two firms in China have upset the Apple (smartphone) cart as of late, having garnered attention and market share in that country. The two firms have been challenging Apple and Samsung for users in China, targeting local stores that “dominate sales in...