What worries consumers more – having their house robbed or having their financial information compromised? The answer to that, along with fresh new insights about how consumers feel about money and the security of their payments and financial assets was the topic of conversation...
How much are consumers really addicted to their smartphones? Well, when it comes to mobile banking, the answer is quite addicted. A new Harris Poll released by Feedzai — a data science company — claims that close to half (46 percent) of all smartphone bankers are...
Are consumers addicted to mobile banking? Well, if pulling out a mobile phone to check a bank account balance during dinner — and even on a date – qualifies as addictive, then the answer is yes. A Chase-commissioned survey released yesterday (June 23) shows that...
Payment tech entrepreneurs, start (up) your engines and head for New York. MasterCard announced today (May 27) that it will be hosting the New York edition of Startupbootcamp’s FastTrack event at the MasterCard Tech Hub in Manhattan on June 1. As noted in a blog...
Blame it on the promotional run-up to the December 2015 release of Star Wars Episode 7, but the subject of the mobile wallet “wars” seems back in the news. And like all wars – intergalactic or otherwise – there’s no shortage of opinions about who’ll...
Wholesalers are harnessing the power of the Internet, and experts say adopting hybrid models, with a focus on e-commerce and online marketplaces, will be the biggest supply chain trend the year. Selling online, both through e-commerce platforms and online B2B marketplaces, is a top priority...
MasterCard is on a roll with exciting announcements revealed at this year’s Mobile World Congress. Today, the company announced its findings from the third annual Mobile Payments Study. The study, developed with PRIME Research, tracked global social media posts across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Forums, Weibo...
When determining the capability of Apple Pay, a starting point could be to look at how often iOS phones are used for shopping purchases. According to data compiled by eMarketer, not only is mobile commerce doing better than a year before, iOS phones and devices, especially...