Mobile Applications

Mobile Applications
Gig App Provider Ranking Sees a Close Race for First Place
May 23, 2022

Which one will arrive first, the ride or the food delivery? It’s a close race in the latest edition of PYMNTS’ Provider Ranking of Gig Economy Apps, as the leader is just one point ahead of the runner-up. There’s a bit of a wait for...

Mobile Applications
Coupon Apps Provider Ranking Sees Contenders Driving a Hard Bargain
May 20, 2022

Their job is driving a hard bargain, so it’s no surprise that there’s a good amount competitiveness and changing of positions among the contenders in the latest edition of PYMNTS’ Provider Ranking of Coupon Apps. Among the highlights this month are a new leader at...

Mobile Applications
Personal Loan App Provider Ranking Delivers a Consistent User Experience
May 18, 2022

Like the payments to be made on a personal loan, the competitors in PYMNTS’ latest Provider Ranking of Personal Loan Apps are predictable and evenly spaced out.  They’re predictable because the apps are ranked in the same order they were in last time. They’re evenly...

Mobile Applications
This Month’s Provider Ranking of Aggregators Reveals Category Leaders Holding Strong
May 17, 2022

As food ordering apps jockey for consumer spending, the top dogs continue to hold off the competition. Using a proprietary combination of publicly available information plus app usage data to which PYMNTS has access, the May edition of PYMNTS’ Provider Ranking of Aggregators shows which...

Mobile Applications
Twitter CEO, Musk Disagree Over Amount of Spam Bots on Platform
May 16, 2022

Billionaire Elon Musk has had a spat with Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal over spam bots, Bloomberg reported Monday (May 16). Musk, who could be the next owner of the social media giant if his purchase eventually goes through, said there are more spam bots on...

Mobile Applications
PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Travel Apps Is Going Places as Recovery Gets Moving
May 16, 2022

Are we traveling again? We are? How wonderful. You know what Mark Twain said about travel? Seriously. Do you know? Someone’s asking. If only there was an easy way to search things… Of course, readers of PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Travel Apps need look no...

Mobile Applications
The Fifth Crypto Wallet Provider Ranking Sees Clumping at the Top Again
May 13, 2022

In one of the wildest and worst weeks crypto has had in years, wallets certainly got more than their fair share of attention as a whole lot of crypto owners panicked, sending price of almost every cryptocurrency crashing. The fear of missing out (FOMO) crowd...

Mobile Applications
Personal Finance App Ranking Sees Some Gains and Losses
May 12, 2022

It’s good to take a look at the books every once in a while and see where things stand. PYMNTS does this monthly with its analysis of apps, including the one featured here: the latest Provider Ranking of Personal Finance Apps. What did it find?...

Mobile Applications
Insurance App Provider Ranking Covers All the Bases, With 13 Apps in the Top 10
May 09, 2022

When it comes to insurance, it’s good to have all the bases covered. PYMNTS’ latest Provider Ranking of Insurance Apps has done just that by enlisting 13 apps for this month’s top 10. It’s good to have three extras, just in case they’re needed.  Some...