Merchant Innovation

Merchant Innovation
Apple’s Play To Learn User Habits
June 17, 2016

Apple is walking the tightrope between wanting to know more about its users’ mobile habits without violating their privacy. The company is using a new technology called “differential privacy” to gain insights about exactly what users are doing on their Apple iPhone and iPad devices...

Merchant Innovation
Nokia’s Future Lies In Everything But Smartphones
June 16, 2016

Drop a smartphone today and it’s a legitimate nightmare – screens crack, cases get scuffed up and the entire device itself might just kick the bucket. It was a different story for Nokia’s line of near-indestructible mobile phones in the ’90s and early 2000s, though Nokia...

Merchant Innovation
Nordstrom’s Next Sales Frontier? Cars
June 16, 2016

Brick-and-mortar retailers will try just about anything to get shoppers to come into and stay in their stores for as long as possible, even if it means putting them in a car that can do zero to 60 mph without burning an ounce of gas....

Merchant Innovation
Office Depot Doubles Down On Hiring
June 16, 2016

It wasn’t too long ago that both Staples and Office Depot looked to be trapped in a death spiral. With no merger in their futures and plenty of uncertainty, each definitively separate retailer looks to be embarking on new chapters, and Office Depot is making...

Merchant Innovation
Staples Jumps Into Same-Day Delivery
June 15, 2016

Staples and Office Depot saw months of hard work go up in smoke when their long-expected merger was denied by regulators and both brands had to take long, hard looks in the mirror before deciding how to proceed. For Staples, the answer wasn’t to sulk around...

Merchant Innovation
At 83, Is Ethan Allen Too Old To Be Innovative?
June 15, 2016

“You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” isn’t a mantra that’s thrown around much in the innovation-obsessed world of retail, but when it comes to brands that thrive off a sense of old-world luxuriousness, determining what and how much of it to change can...

Merchant Innovation
The Innovation Lessons Behind Walgreens’ Breakup With Theranos
June 15, 2016

“If you can’t beat them, join them.” That’s been a law of the natural retail world for as long as head-to-head competition has been the means by which one brand sinks and another brand swims. However, at the rate retail startups are not just launching...

Merchant Innovation
Hyosung Helps ATM Management Go Mobile
June 15, 2016

Nautilus Hyosung America (Hyosung) announced the availability of its new mobile application that’s designed to help merchants and ATM operators manage Hyosung ATMs directly from a mobile device. The MoniMobile app is aimed at revamping the full management capabilities of Hyosung ATMs. “This app will...

Merchant Innovation
Ingenico Launches Mobile Checkout Solution Suite
June 15, 2016

As mobile wallets win more and more adherents to their side, sales from mobile commerce outlets can only grow faster than they are now. However, managing all those payments can be just as big a headache for unprepared merchants as no sales at all, and...