
Citi Entangled In Money-Laundering, Fraud Probes
March 10, 2014

04 March 2014 One of Citigroup’s banking affiliates, Banamex USA, is being hit by twin inquires related to fraud and money-laundering regulation compliance. Banamex, which provides banking services to communities in the United States and Mexico, recently revealed in SEC filings that it had been...

Merchants In Three States Sue For Surcharging Rights
March 10, 2014

06 March 2014 Merchants in California, Texas and Florida reportedly have filed lawsuits to challenge laws that prevent them from imposing extra charges on credit card purchases. Credit card transactions tend to cost merchants more to process than other payment types. Under network rules, merchants...

UK Blocks Unlicensed iGaming Operators From Finance Market
March 10, 2014

MasterCard, Visa and PayPal all reportedly voluntarily have agreed to block payments to non-UK-licensed gambling operators in anticipation of proposed changes to a UK gambling bill that would set an online gambling tax. Reports indicate that the proposed Gaming Duty rate of 15% would lead...

Chase’s Prepaid Exit Affords No Simple Explanation
January 22, 2014

By Gloria Colgan, Managing Director, Market Platform Dynamics (@gkcolgan) Ah, the challenges of commercial prepaid. When JPMorgan Chase recently announced the potential sale of its government and commercial prepaid card business, it made big headlines. Chase has a massive portfolio from a prepaid perspective –...

Alibaba’s Taobao Bans Bitcoin
January 08, 2014

Alibaba, the Chinese eCommerce conglomerate, has banned the sale of Bitcoin on its Taobao Marketplace online platform. Bloomberg News reported that Bitcoin sales and other cryptocurrencies will be restricted beginning on Jan. 14. Mining hardware and software will also be barred from Taobao. An Alibaba...

Exclusive Series
Dwolla, Iowa Strengthen Payments Collaboration
January 07, 2014

Iowans now can pay their fuel taxes and vehicle-registration fees online thanks to an expanded partnership between payments network Dwolla and the Iowa state government. Dwolla, which is based in Des Moines, previously worked with the state government to help merchants collect cigarette stamp taxes,...

Exclusive Series
New Report: What’s Holding Back China’s Mobile-Money Market?
January 07, 2014

China further solidified its position as a market that could greatly impact payments in 2013. Those who require proof need only look at how China’s love affair with bitcoin drove the price to more than $1,200, only to send it back down amid escalating regulations...

Karen Webster
PYMNTS Prophecies: Eight 2013 Predictions Reviewed
December 27, 2013

Despite the rise of big data, the cloud and the countless other electronic innovations looking to tap into our collective brainpower, predictions remained as difficult to get right as ever in 2013. For every no-brainer like the rise of consumer mobile smartphone and tablet use,...

Alternative Finances
Apple’s 2 Payments Paths For 2014
December 20, 2013

After a less-than-stellar summer that saw the vultures circling Cupertino, Apple righted its course this winter posting impressive Black Friday sales numbers and releasing head-turning point-of-sale (POS) innovations. Not every expert abandoned Apple and its proven innovators, though. Market Platform Dynamics (MPD) CEO Karen Webster...