Capital One Garners Perfect Score, Tops Credit Card Apps

Credit card rankings, Capital One, provider rankings

The latest iteration of PYMNTS’ Provider Ranking of Credit Card Apps shows that while some things change, some things remain the same.

As to what’s changed, last month, we saw a number of ties — where 13 apps crowded the Top 10 rankings. This time around, there’s only a single tie.

The Top Five

Some things have remained a bit static, with Capital One maintaining its position as the leader of the pack with a “perfect” 100 point score, up a single point from last month.

Chase Mobile still stands in second place with a slight decrease from July’s tally, losing three points and receiving a score of 91.

Meanwhile, Bank of America Mobile Banking retains its third place ranking with the same score as last time: 89.

Discover Mobile follows in fourth place, again tied with Wells Fargo Mobile, with 86 points ascribed to each name.

American Express comes in with the fifth-place finish with 78 points, though last month’s tie with Credit One has now fallen by the wayside.

The Top 10

With a score of 76, Credit One displaced PREMIER Credit Card to garner the sixth-place position, followed by Barclays, which notched the No. 7 spot with a score of 68 — knocking Tally from that spot, where it had been in July.

The mobile wallet cards — via Apple Pay and Google Pay — are tied for the No. 8 spot with a score of 62.

MySynchrony dropped to No. 9 with a score of 57, and PREMIER rounds out the Top 10 with a score of 52, sliding from its sixth-place perch seen only a month ago.