Fitness Apps Sweating Changes In Latest Provider Ranking

fitness app

No, the “COVID 19 pounds” many of us packed on (thanks a lot, mobile order-ahead and streaming apps) are not going to melt away on their own. It took work to put that weight on, but it doesn’t have to be a drag taking it off. In fact, apps make the transformation fun.

In the latest PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Fitness Apps, the action has been a little hot, or rather, warmed by lots of little changes generating heat and burning off burrito bowls as people switch up routines.

Sneakers tied: check. Space-age running outfit: check. Will to work out: check please.

Seriously though, we all need a run and some sit-ups already. Let’s get moving.

The Top 5

Having warmed up, we start with the Strava: Run, Ride, Swim app still at No. 1.

Now for the changeups, of which there are many.

At No. 2, My Fitness Pal pushes the Planet Fitness Workouts down a spot to No. 3.

Likewise, at No. 4, FitOn Workouts & Fitness Plans rises one spot at the expense of beefy Workouts By Muscle Booster which drops to No. 5 and completes the Top 5 fitness apps.

The Top 10

We usually like a protein shake break at this point in a strenuous workout, but there’s no stopping now. Just a few more reps and we can call it a solid day at the gym (app).

Our No. 6 for this session is the Fitness Coach & Diet: FitCoach app (up one spot from the last ranking), and at No. 7 for the month is Map My Run By Under Armour.

Elevating one chart position to No. 8 is Runkeeper — GPS Running Tracker. Down one slot to No. 9 for today’s run is the Nike Training Club app. Time to pick up the pace.

New at No. 10 (and to the Top 10) in this edition of PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Fitness Apps is the Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter app, proving that walking is perfectly good exercise.