Walmart Leapfrogs Amazon in New Shopping App Provider Ranking

shopping app

Holiday shopping is in full swing (except for the 3% of people who are waiting until the week of Christmas to start, perhaps as a challenge to themselves), and with that comes increased utilization of smartphone apps that facilitate commerce.

Holiday shoppers say they’ll do half of their remaining holiday shopping online, with a significant amount likely happening on the mobile phones that are practically glued to our hands.

That brings us to the latest edition of PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Shopping Apps, where three spots in the Top 10 are tied after several apps made major moves in the early days of gift purchases. This includes a surprise at No. 1 and a handful of apps that are returning to the upper echelons of this list.

Without further ado, let’s dissect the lineup.

The Top 5

Jumping two spots, Walmart is tied for No. 1 with the SHEIN app, which has long dominated these rankings.

Amazon sits at No. 2, likely frustrated that box store rival Walmart has managed to leapfrog it.

The AliExpress Shopping App jumps to No. 3, with Walmart giving up this spot.

Nike remains in the Top 5, moving up one spot to No. 4.

And rounding out the Top 5 are two apps that have seen an impressive jump in recent months: eBay, which just two months ago was sitting toward the bottom of the ranking, is tied with Target, which only just reentered the Top 10, at No. 5.

The Top 10

Making a rebound to No. 6 is the Fetch Rewards app.

Etsy jumps up two spots to No. 7 as consumers seek creative Christmas gifts.

Tied at No. 8 we have the IKEA app, which rose one spot, and Sam’s Club, making its return to the Top 10.

The Joom app gets bumped up one spot to No. 9.

And finally, making a grand return to the Top 10, the OfferUp app takes the No. 10 position.