Payment card security has always been a massive concern for banks, consumers and businesses alike, especially as more high-profile credit card data breaches show up in the headlines.
Commercial card security, including fleet cards, is not always in the spotlight but, nevertheless, is important for corporate users. Allstar Business Solutions’ announcement late last week said it is taking those concerns into consideration and bolstering the security of its fleet card offerings.
Allstar Business Solutions, a unit of FleetCor, said it has made the shift from magnetic stripe to EMV chip for its fleet cards. While EMV is widespread across the U.K. and Europe, Allstar’s fleet cards were still used by swiping at the point of sale across the nation, reports said.
EMV chip technology is designed to be more secure than card swiping.
“Alongside an enhanced service and product offering, improved security is central to all future product developments,” said FleetCor U.K. Fuel Cards Managing Director Peter Bridgen in a statement last Friday (Oct. 2).
He added that through working with Oberthur Technologies, which helped implement the EMV adoption for Allstar fleet cards, FleetCor will aim to “ensure that our product is not only the best but the most secure on the market.”
Allstar has been working with Oberthur to migrate all of its fuel cards, for both businesses and consumers, to the EMV technology as of late.
EMV chip card technology is common across Europe and much of the rest of the world, but in the U.S., cards have only just made the shift, leading to concerns among some merchants that without the resources to accept the new payment method, they will be liable for any fraudulent charges.
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