Search results for "amazon"

July 31, 2013
Is eCommerce Prepared For 3-D Printing?

By Pete Rizzo, Editor (@pete_rizzo_) This May, gunsmithing group Defense Distributed printed a firearm, made the files for its design public and then filmed its members using the weapon. For...

July 31, 2013
Canopy Seeks To “Beautifuy” Amazon

Canopy, the Toronto- and San Francisco-based eCommerce company that is seeking to “beautify” Amazon, has launched, TechCrunch reported on July 31. The media outlet said that Canopy improves on the...

July 31, 2013
Today’s Briefs: August

Briefs from August 23, 2013 Uber Rakes In $360M In Latest FundingSan Francisco-based mobile taxi app provider Uber has raised $361 million as part of its latest private equity round,...

July 31, 2013
Amazon UK Updates Android App With Delivery Push Notifications

Retail giant Amazon UK announced its update for the Android app, which features a push notification that informs UK customers about shipment, reported The Next Web. The notification tells users...

July 25, 2013
Amazon Crowned King Of Comparison Shopping

A new report from engagement management service provider parago has found that consumers are two times more likely to choose Amazon than Google when comparing products online, Mobile Commerce Daily...

July 25, 2013
The Biggest mPOS Surprises Of 2013

Welcome to’s Midyear Review: a look into what the leaders of the payments industry have seen and accomplished this calendar year, and how they see trends playing out for...

July 24, 2013
EU: EC proposes sweeping new payments regulation

The European Commission announced a legislative package Wednesday that will revise the Payments Services Directive and adopt new legislation on payment card fees. The move is, in part, an effort by...

July 23, 2013
Shopkick Assembling Anti-Amazon Coalition

Shopkick announced that it will incorporate in-app purchase functionality into its omnichannel retail application, TechCrunch reported on July 23. The program rollout will begin with 30 merchants already using Shopkick’s...

July 23, 2013
Amazon Changes UK Delivery Terms

Online retail giant, Amazon, announced it has amended the “Free Super Saver Delivery” terms for consumers ordering in the UK, reported The Next Web. The company will now require shoppers...

Walmart Vs. Amazon Whole Paycheck: Battle For The Digital-First Consumer
Amazon, Walmart Gain Q3 eCommerce Sales, But Lose Share of Total Spend  Spoiler alert: This edition of the Whole Paycheck Tracker report, the exclusive PYMNTS data dive on the claim Amazon and Walmart make on their share of the U.S. consumer’s whole paycheck, does not contain the customary exponential increases associated with these two retailers.
The Battle for Consumer Retail Spend: Amazon Versus Walmart Q2 2022: The Discretionary Spend Play
Amazon’s Lead in Consumer Discretionary Spend Remains Unchallenged  In the clash of the retail titans, Walmart leads in grocery and personal care spend, but Amazon dominates in clothing, furniture, appliances and hobbies, the Q2 2022 edition of "The Battle For Consumer Retail Spend: Amazon Versus Walmart" found, while also exploring ways consumers stand to gain from the rivalry.