Today In Data: Ending 2018, Predicting 2019
Today In Data: Ending 2018, Predicting 2019
December 18, 2018  |  Today In Data

Getting into the predictions game in payments and commerce is always a dangerous move, as things so often take unexpected and unprecedented turns. Could anyone...

40 Global Leaders Show Us Payments’ Future
40 Global Leaders Show Us Payments’ Future
February 14, 2018  |  Commerce

A good forecast is a notoriously difficult thing to write – particularly if one is trying to write it about the payments and commerce ecosystem....

52 Mondays, 52 Conversations, 52 Ways Of Looking At Payments
52 Mondays, 52 Conversations, 52 Ways Of Looking At Payments
December 26, 2017  |  Karen Webster

No year in payments is exactly alike – perhaps conversation is the only constant. 2017 was epic, from Amazon to bitcoin to hillbillies to Walmart,...

SMBs Readying To Ring In The New Year – With Cash Flow Stress
SMBs Readying To Ring In The New Year – With Cash Flow Stress
November 20, 2017  |  B2B Payments

For many, the New Year is a time of new beginnings, and an opportunity for a clean slate. But recent research from payments company WePay...

LG To Expand LG Pay Beyond South Korea
LG To Expand LG Pay Beyond South Korea
July 10, 2017  |  Digital Payments

LG, which last month launched its mobile payment platform in Korea with its G6 handset, is expanding the payment method into other smartphones and into...