DOJ: Current Antitrust Legislation Can Apply To Tech Firms
DOJ: Current Antitrust Legislation Can Apply To Tech Firms
November 10, 2019  |  ANTITRUST

Current antitrust laws are “flexible enough” to handle issues caused by technology firms, said Makan Delrahim, assistant attorney general for the Antitrust Division of the...

Google Answers AG Probe With Lawsuit
Google Answers AG Probe With Lawsuit
October 31, 2019  |  Google

Google filed a lawsuit on Thursday (Oct. 31) against the attorney general of Texas, asking a court to protect against confidential business information becoming public...

Google Could Face Antitrust Scrutiny During Earnings Call
Google Could Face Antitrust Scrutiny During Earnings Call
October 28, 2019  |  Google

During a quarterly earnings call on Monday (Oct. 28), financial analysts may be as interested in the ongoing antitrust investigations into Google as in its...

AG Barr Calls For Facebook To Suspend Encryption Of Messages
AG Barr Calls For Facebook To Suspend Encryption Of Messages
October 03, 2019  |  Facebook

U.S. Attorney General William Barr wrote an open letter to Facebook asking it to postpone plans to encrypt messages on the company’s three services until...

DOJ/State AGs Meet To Review Big Tech-Antitrust Connection
DOJ/State AGs Meet To Review Big Tech-Antitrust Connection
July 26, 2019  |  Regulation

U.S. Attorney General William Barr met with a bipartisan group of state attorneys general on Thursday (July 25) to discuss competition and antitrust issues related...