
Alibaba Group Holding Limited, also known as Alibaba Group and as, is a Chinese multinational technology company specializing in e-commerce, retail, Internet, and technology.
Alibaba’s AliPay Hits Big With Web Shopping Event
Alibaba’s AliPay Hits Big With Web Shopping Event
December 16, 2014  |  News

Alibaba hit big on 11.11 — also known as Singles’ Day — with a record $9.3 billion in gross sales and now its top online...

Researchers Find Security Holes On Alibaba’s Marketplace
Researchers Find Security Holes On Alibaba’s Marketplace
December 11, 2014  |  International

A security hole in Alibaba’s international marketplace AliExpress could have let attackers hijack merchants’ online shops, an Israeli security research company said Wednesday (Dec. 10)....

Alipay Fingerprint Announcement Moves It Closer To An Apple Pay Deal
Alipay Fingerprint Announcement Moves It Closer To An Apple Pay Deal
December 11, 2014  |  Apple Pay

The prospect of an Apple Pay Alibaba deal got a lot more likely on Tuesday (Dec. 9) when Alibaba’s Alipay payments unit said that it...