
Alibaba Group Holding Limited, also known as Alibaba Group and as, is a Chinese multinational technology company specializing in e-commerce, retail, Internet, and technology.
Move Over, Amazon and Alibaba – India Brings New E-Commerce Talent
Move Over, Amazon and Alibaba – India Brings New E-Commerce Talent
December 26, 2014  |  News

With the highly publicized reign of China and the U.S. in the world of e-commerce, analysts predict the two leaders of online shopping to see...

Alibaba’s Tmall Global Performing Below Standards
Alibaba’s Tmall Global Performing Below Standards
December 26, 2014  |  News

The Alibaba hype has encountered a reality check as traffic on Tmall Global — the shopping platform it promised would deliver — isn’t living up to expectations,...

More Shoppers Go Global
More Shoppers Go Global
December 26, 2014  |  International

Cross-border e-commerce has grown so quickly that 25 percent of PayPal’s transactions are now international, with about 2,000 cross-border transactions per minute, according to the...

Alibaba Spent $160M Fighting Fakes Since 2013
Alibaba Spent $160M Fighting Fakes Since 2013
December 24, 2014  |  International

Alibaba has spent more than $160 million (1 billion yuan) combating counterfeit goods and improving customer protection since the start of 2013, the company said...

China Moves Closer to Having Its Own Silicon Valley
China Moves Closer to Having Its Own Silicon Valley
December 23, 2014  |  News

Alibaba’s spectacular, $25 billion IPO earlier this year made many of its former employees sudden millionaires. Now, the company’s Executive Chairman Jack Ma is encouraging...

Innovators Push 2014 Financial IPOs To Record Heights
Innovators Push 2014 Financial IPOs To Record Heights
December 23, 2014  |  News

Financial firms brought in record funds from their initial public offerings in 2014, and as investors prove the strength of the U.S.’s economic recovery, the...

Alibaba And SoftBank Join Forces For Indian E-commerce
Alibaba And SoftBank Join Forces For Indian E-commerce
December 23, 2014  |  News

Alibaba and SoftBank are holding joint discussions with bankers in India as they try to secure a slice of India’s consumer e-commerce market, according to...