Amazon, Microsoft and India Authorities Crack Down on Impersonation Scams
Amazon, Microsoft and India Authorities Crack Down on Impersonation Scams
October 20, 2023  |  Security & Fraud

Amazon and Microsoft have joined forces to protect consumers from impersonation scams, marking the first time these industry leaders have collaborated to combat tech support...

Retailers In Britain Say Sales Are The Worst In 10 Years
Retailers In Britain Say Sales Are The Worst In 10 Years
May 24, 2019  |  Economy

A survey of British retailers by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) said retailers were witnessing the poorest sales performance this month in 10 years,...

India Issues Warrants For Punjab Bank Heist Jewelers
India Issues Warrants For Punjab Bank Heist Jewelers
April 09, 2018  |  International

Non-bailable warrants have been issued for the two central figures in an alleged $2 billion scam at state-run Punjab National Bank (PNB). According to Reuters,...

PNB’s Diamond Fraud Could Hit $2B In Cost
PNB’s Diamond Fraud Could Hit $2B In Cost
March 07, 2018  |  South Asia

The scandal surrounding India’s state-run Punjab National Bank (PNB) is getting bigger — in fact, a source says it could hit the $2 billion mark....

Retail Sales In UK Continue To Drop
Retail Sales In UK Continue To Drop
August 25, 2017  |  Retail

British consumers appear to be curbing their spending as the impact of the U.K.’s June 2016 Brexit vote continues to take hold throughout the country....